Incense Burning Mama..

Jan 01, 2012 00:06

Just sitting here, an hour away from 2012. Chilling with incense and candles burning.. Listening to my moody song list from Grooveshark as I type this. Yes, a am a hippie... I even have a lava lamp going, so there.  Currently it's on Patrick O'Hearn.  Never heard of him, you say?  Well I am not surprised.  Check out places like Mind Body and Soul and you will find him there.  Or just check out Grooveshark and you will find him.   Yes, this is the way I like spending my New Year's..  It's wierd to some, but hey, you go out and brave all the drunk drivers and all the other wierdos!   No thanks!!   This is what I would rather being doing anyway.   Sitting here all "zen like" in front of my computer and typing all this for the world to see.   So the incense are smelling, oh so good  right now. Sandlewood, I believe.  I have so many that I really don't know the what the different scents are anymore.   Anyways, it smells so earthy and clean and I am totally digging it all.    Matching the Sandlewood and Vanilla candle that my sister made, and it rounding it all so nicely.   Again, if you haven't noticed, I am a hippie. :)

2012 in 45 minutes.   Wierd, I thought at least we would be livin' large like George Jetson right now.    Flying cars, everyone never having to walk anymore, walking on those walkways like in the airport, except all the time, not just at the airport.     I thought as a kid, that the world would look so different right now.   It still looks like the 80's outside.  Sure the cars look a little different, everyone talks on little phones everywhere,  Gotta a little pad that they tap on all the time, never looking up at anyone.  Sad really... No contact.   But in blue jeans and cowboy boots..  Still.  Weren't we all supposed to be wearing some sort of Star Trek outfit by now?

Reality television without reality...  That is 2012.    The smell and feel of books in my hand gone, the sound of pages turning.  My ultimate joy.  Books being destroyed so that can be art.  We can play on Ipads with novels on them.  That is 2012.   Being free to say anything you wish and not be called something not so nice is forever gone.  That is 2012.  Conversation without being on Facebook is dead.  That is 2012.

I miss the 80's I really do.  Say what you will, but it was the best time ever.    Being a kid playing out in the sunlight, till the day is spent.  Only coming in when your mom called you for dinner.  Eating and taking a long bath and feeling so good, because your body was that "good"tired.  Hearing great music, before they destroyed it by putting it in "lousy" commercials.   You hear that Target?!  Maybe the Atari had some of the worst graphics ever, but at least when you died you didn't see blood squirting out of someone's artery when you killed them.

Music is the eighties(at least the good stuff) had melody.  It had heart.  It wasn't about angst it was "Don't Stop Believin'  "Summer of '69"  "When Loves Walks In"  It was happy..    Records...  Those were the best.   The sound of a little scratch on the turntable.  Magic...   Album art was the "bomb"  I could look at it for hours..   Queen..  Kansas, Styx, The Beatles...  The Moody Blues..  
Those Christmas clay-mation specials, Charlie Brown  Specials.  (Especially,  The Great Pumpkin)   The Hobbit(The animated one, I loved it so much I had the album! ) Those Edgar Allen Poe album I found among my parent's record collection, I played till I scratched the hell out of it.  Still looking for that, BTW. LOL  My Dad reading me the Tell Tale Heart.. Yeah I know what you are thinking..  I have a pretty cool Dad.   Thanks, I think so too!

Some of the things I still dream about.  When things were so much simple, so innocent.  Dr Pepper in the 2 liter glass bottle.  Yeah, that was the only way to drink it.   19 minutes till 2012.   Watching old Monkees reruns in the summertime.   Going to Astroworld and riding every one of the rides till you were dizzy.  Being excited about going to the movies, because they were so much better, then.   Eating fried cornbread, and not giving a damn about it clogging your arteries.

Watching the Wizard of OZ, Gone With The Wind, and The Sound of Music was an EVENT!   We didn't all cable television, you know?   Popping corn and eating it out of the a paper lunch bag, instead of popping it in the microwave.  Buttermilk and cornbread. 
My grandmother  making peach cobbler in the kitchen.  Listening to old Jack Benny shows with her on the radio with her at night.   Riding bikes in the Texas sun, sweating like all get out, and not caring.    10 minutes till 2012.

Seeing Dan Fogelberg with my sister at The Sam Houston Coliseum, when I was sixteen.  Being in awe of his brilliance(Still am.)   When songwriters where "real" songwriters.    Talking on the phone for hours instead of saying nothing much on Facebook for hours.  Dialing away on a rotary phone without dialing an area code first.    5 minutes till 2012.

Is it too late to go back to all of that? When people were nicer, and more forgiving, and the media wasn't in your face 24 hours a day trying to stir up controversy over every little thing?  When we had people like Reagan in office that really believed in America.  
4 minutes to 2012.  
2 minutes to 2012.   Do me a favor, smile at a stranger in 2012.  Think more innocently, and remember how it felt to have the sunlight on your face and how it felt to play all day until dark, until your mom drug you in for for dinner.

Happy New Year!
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