Back In The Land Of The Living! (Online that is!)

Sep 06, 2010 00:15

Was able to get the lap top my sister gave me sort of working.   When i say sorta, I mean sorta.  While you read this , if you are annoyed by my typos and my punctuation  errors,  I will have to apologize now since I can just blame it on the laptop!  At least this time anyway.   If I told you how long it took me to write the above sentences I would have to kill you. LOL  It's taking time for me to get used to this laptop with  this stupid ass keyboard!   Of course I am thankful that I have something to type out this lame, journal entry.    Maybe when I get the desktop working again, I can give everyone a decent, if not at least half way interesting journal entry!    But for now, you are just all going to have to live with this.   Sorry.   Wish I had more interesting things to say, but it seems I haven't been on the net (other than at work)  in ages!   So this keyboard is getting on my last nerve and before I go all "Office Space" on it, I will bid everyone goodnight.

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