Life/Work/Book Fair

May 20, 2008 12:13

Well school is out for the semester. I should say school is out for the Spring Semester. I have summer classes that start on Thursday to begin to tackle. I am excited for them to begin. I am truly enjoying school again. I didn't really think that would ever happen. I am so happy to have found such a great community.

KinderCare is also amazing. I love being there. For the summer I am switching from the school-aged classroom teacher to the pre-k classroom teacher. This is mostly due to the fact that I wont drive the bus that is needed to take the school aged children on their field trips. I am looking forward to the change of pace. I am currently working hard on getting my lesson plans done so I don't have to spend my weekends over the summer working on them. I have a great curriculum guide and a great co-teacher. She is really willing to help and do whatever I need her to. It is great to have an assistant that is willing to help me out for a change.

The Scholastic Book Fair is this week. I am so ready for it to be over. I have planned and spent so much time working on it, but will be ready for it to be over. Last night, I had a book preview night and an ice cream social. Not as many families showed up as I had expected. I was a little disappointed, but overall it went well. I was shocked at how much money we brought in for the first night. Afterall we were only open for an hour. I am really hoping to reach my goal of $500 for the next three days. It is so important to me to get some new books for our classrooms. The ones we have are so outdated, and most are not age appropriate for there classrooms. I am really trying get some better literature.

Thursday will be the WonderWalk for the March of Dimes. Again, I raised money for the great cause. I am hoping to bring in some more money yet, but am happy with the results. I have been quite a busy girl. As I said before I am really happy with the work that I have done, I am just ready for a little break.

That's all for now.

alverno, march of dimes, kindercare, scholastic

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