Jun 07, 2011 23:28
Other titles for this post I considered that are a bit like headlines for what I'm thinking right now that I'll explain a bit more afterward:
We don't get to see nearly enough Roranicus Pondicus
Today I went to Hipster Heaven
Rory Pond, you just stormed two different military citadels--one of them pretty much singlehandedly--in order to save your wife and newborn daughter. Cry all you want because a crying Roman with a baby is still pretty daggum cool.
I want to be Alex Kingston when I grow up
The Ponds win at families
My Computer commited suicide
Yo, Shaun and Gus, and JD and Turk, Imma let y'all finish, but me and April have the best bi-racial bestfriendship of all time! OF ALL TIME!
If I could marry a TV show, Doctor Who would be it
Dalek Bowling should totally be a sport
Okay, so, I mentioned that Saturday was the DW mid-series finale, and that it was supposed to be a really cool awesome epic important episode? Well ALDKJASKDFOIAEHGADJFAIHGEIHGAKLDJF MY MIND WILL NEVER BE THE SAME IS IT SEPTEMBER YET RORY WILLIAMS-POND YOU ARE OFFICIALLY MORE BADASS THAN THE DOCTOR OH MY GOD RIVER IS A;DKJALDKJFALDKHGAOIEHG
But that's actually all I'm going to say about it because A;SDKJFALK THERE JUST AREN'T WORDS.
So my computer basically commited suicide. Long story short, it would have cost more to fix all that was wrong with it than it would to just get a new computer, so that's what we did. I'm still getting used to my new laptop and Windows 7. So far the biggest change is the keyboard. The keys were flush together on my old computer, and on this one there's a little bit of space between the keys. It's also a bigger keyboard.The keyboard also has a number pad on it, which my old laptop didn't have, so I keep reaching to hit the backspace key and hitting the number lock key, or I'll reach for the down-arrow key and hit the 0. Stuff like that.
Oh, yeah, the title I decided on. So I've never been the sort of girl who had a serious celebrity crush. I never papered my walls with posters of boy bands or movie stars. And while there are several actors/actresses who I really admire, none of my 'obsessions' have ever been your typical swooning paparazzi want-now unconditional love obsession celebrity crushes. For example, I love Johnny Depp because I love the vast variations of weirdness he's played, as well as how amazing he was in a serious role like 'Chocolat'. I love Carey Mulligan because she's amazingly talented and can convey such depths of emotion and yet she becomes a character down to every subtle moment, and even though she's becoming quite a big name now, she's still such a down-to-earth person.
I'd say Matt Smith is the closest I've ever come to serious celebrity crush, but with me that just means that I think he's an insanely talented actor and he seems like an awesome human being. And, yeah, he's kinda hot in a weird way. Which brings me to his neck. So I was looking at this Doctor Who news site, and I ended up finding my way to a tumblr blog that is dedicated to Matt Smith and another that basically proves that he is the French Duke of Hipsterdom. He has made some awesome and hilarious fashion choices, and some of them would look ridiculous on anyone else. For real, Matt, do you even own a pair of pants that reach below your ankles? If you weren't so skinny and didn't have such fantastic taste in socks, you wouldn't look half as adorable as you do in them.
So I'm an artist, right? And I've spent a lot of time on human anatomy, and I have a weird aesthetic appreciation for odd body parts sometimes. For example, I'm fascinated by collarbones. I think they have such a cool shape and create neat shadows. And I love Matt Smith's neck. He's so skinny, and he's got this sort of long, skinny, square face, and then this awesome sort of thick neck. His head is so thin, and he's got such narrow shoulders, and his neck just kind of seems too thick for his shoulders and head, but in a totally good way. And I think it's cool.
Other random celebrity body parts I love: Olivia Wilde's eyes; Carey Mulligan's mouth; David Tennant's sideburns; Andrew Garfield's toothpick legs.
Hung out with my best friend April today, and she and I are going to hang out again tomorrow. We had a mini-DW marathon, we played Wii Bowling and decided that lone pins were evil Daleks and that Dalek bowling would be the coolest thing ever, and also went to this little vintage/thrift store that was like fashion heaven and hell all wrapped up into one. There were a lot of really, really SPECTACULAR things there, and a lot of horrifying things too. And we saw a crowd of hipsters there: "A group of wild hipsters appeared!" "Can you catch them with a pokeball?" "Naw, pokeballs are too mainstream." "Wild hipster used...wait, what would they use?" "I don't know, but you've probably never heard of it."
We also played some Super Mario Bros. We were kind of awesome and awful at it. TEAMWORK.
I have the best best-friend in the universe.
Oh and I'm also trying to put together my new chest-of-drawers because my old one is seriously older than I am and it is literally falling apart. The runners aren't even attached to the drawers anymore.
I've also been off my ADD medicine for a few days. Sorry this post was sort of TL;DR.
Oh, and I bought a new pair of sunglasses yesterday because the old ones broke, and I already can't find them. #winningatadulthood
doctor who,
there are no words,
i can't be trusted inside my own head,
i suck at this 'being an adult' thing,
technology sucks,
posts that are too long