I can't remember the last time I was that productive.
So I'm still in Franklin, and today I ran an errand and then took my writing composition notebook to the local Starbucks, got the first Mocha Frappuchino I've had since I broke my caffeine addiction, and spent at least six hours straight working on my book. Oh yes; I wrote for six straight hours, and I'm actually pretty happy with what I wrote. (That will may change when I start editing, but such is the process.) I'm going to go back tomorrow to see if I can't make some more progress. I've gotten to one of the most crucial parts of the story, the events that really kick off the whole plot.
Oh, and I also want to try to talk to that cute barista guy. (I got to a college with a grand total of 6 straight guys. Don't judge me. He seems nice and I'm trying to be more social. And I really want my dad to leave me alone about not having a boyfriend.)
Only a few more days until the Doctor Who Mid-series finale!!!
Doctor Who. It's the best show ever. Everytime I watch it I think: "WHY DOESN'T EVERYONE LOVE THIS SHOW?"
Doctor Who: It's about a Time Lord--a human-looking alien--called the Doctor. Just the Doctor. He has a real name, but it's a secret. To everyone. The Doctor is brilliant and epic.
And he knows it, so he's kind of a show-off.
He's also kind of (really really) weird. Cuz he's an alien.
Particularly when it comes to what he puts in his mouth.
Like fish fingers and custard.
And sand.
He's over 900 years old, but he doesn't look it because Time Lords don't age--when they are fatally wounded they regenerate: they get a new body, and to some degree, a new personality. But he's always the Doctor, even though he gets a new face.
Right now he's on face number 11, played by the gorgeous and talented Matt Smith (above).
The Doctor travels through time and space in his TARDIS (Time And Relative Dimensions In Space); a blue 1950's police box that's bigger on the inside.
And since traveling through time and space on your own is lonely and boring, he often brings humans along for the ride.
As of right now, in Series 6, he's traveling with Amy Pond and her husband Rory--the first time there's ever been a married couple on the Tardis.
Amy is spunky, fiesty, and awesome. Rory is kind of a dork sometimes...
But he really is quite noble, and loyal, and he loves Amy more than anything in the universe, so he really is quite a heroic guy.
The Doctor and Amy are quite close, so sometimes it's almost like Rory's the third wheel, but Amy has her priorities straight, so we end up with quite an interesting dynamic.
At the end of episode 6 of season 6, we were left with an crazy, complicated, mindblowing cliffhanger revelation: Amy had spent the last (at least) 6 months on the Tardis mentally, but not physically. Her mind had been connected to a doppelganger dupicate, while her real body rested at a secret location--she'd been kidnapped! Oh, and her real body was about to have a baby.
Hopefully this birth will go better than the last time she was "pregnant" in a joint dream brought on by psychic pollen.
One's a Doctor, the other is a nurse. And yet this is how they reacted. (See reason #794 why this show rocks.) Thankfully THAT particular pregnancy wasn't real and it was all just a weird dream thing.
In addition to finding out why half the universe wants Amy's baby, next week we also will find out the true identity of the mysterious Dr. River Song.
Other than, you know, completely BADASS.
We know she's someone from the Doctor's future--but his future is her past. And whoever she is, she's someone very, very, VERY important to him. The general theory is that she is the future Mrs. Doctor. We now know that they are lovers in some capacity.
Even if the Doctor is super a bit awkward about romance.
Flaily kiss for the win.
River certainly acts like a wife. She will always be there to give "constructive criticism" to the Doctor's choice of headwear.
So the Doctor's all:
" I wear a fez now. Fezes are cool."
And River's all:
LOL no.
It's a great show with lots of great epic, emotional moments. It's so much more than just sci-fi. It's drama, it's comedy. It's Doctor freakin' Who.
It's got everything you could possibly want.
Like cake.
And romance.
And action.
And of course, dancing.
The Doctor loves dancing.
So why aren't you watching?
Join the Whovian side. We have sonic screwdrivers.
(I didn't make these. Gifs from: doctorwhogifs.tumblr.com and searching for posts tagged 'Doctor Who gifs' on tumblr.)