Ok, so if any of you guys watch True Blood (and if you don't, why in the world don't you?) you should definitely check out
this blog. It's a review for the eighth episode "Fourth Man in the Fire", so if you do watch it, and haven't seen the episode yet and don't want to be spoiled, you might want to find a review of one you have seen. Wow.....that was probably grammatically incorrect, but whatever. :P These guys are so funny.
BTW, True Blood is one of the most amazing shows ever. :D For serious. And I want Vampire Bill for myself. I don't even mind the whole being dead thing. It actually kinda doesn't bother me. My friend actually said that my perfect man would be a vampire. :P So...righto.
Does anyone else find it really amusing that livejournal is now undeadjournal? Can we keep it? Please? :P