Jul 20, 2006 12:07
10 YEARS AG0.....
How old were you?: 9
Where did you go to school? Souders Elementary
Where did you work?: I didn't...
Where did you live?: My old house
Where did you hang out?: Outside, at the creek
How was your hair style: brown, long, kinda
Did you wear glasses?: no
Who was your best friend?: Molly
Who was your regular-person crush?: Cory
How many tattoos did you have?: none
How many piercings did you have?: none
What was your favorite band/group: idk, rafiki?
What was your worst fear?: i was a unfearful kid
Had you smoked a cigarette yet?: no
Had you gotten drunk or high yet?: no
Had you driven yet?: no
Had you been to a real party yet?: no
Had your heart broken?: no
5 YEARS AG0.....
How old were you?: 14
Where did you go to school?: i was going to be going to St. Tims
Where did you work?: i didn't really work
Where did you live?: new house
Where did you hang out?: friends house, movies
How was your hair style: short and blonde
Did you wear glasses?: yes
Who was your best friend?: Jenny, Alicia, Danielle
Who was your regular-person crush?: since i was changing schools i didn't really have one
How many tattoos did you have?: none
How many piercings did you have?: ears
What was your favorite band/group: idk
What was your worst fear?: losing people
Had you smoked a cigarette yet?: yes
Had you gotten drunk or high yet?: yes
Had you driven yet?: no
Had you been to a real party yet?: yes
Had your heart broken?: no
How old were you?: 16
Where did you go to school?: Bishop Watterson
Where did you work?: no where
Where did you live?: new house
Where did you hang out?: friends houses
How was your hair style: brown, medium-ish length
Did you wear glasses?: nope
Who was your best friend?: Kb, aubs, altman, diaz
Who was your regular-person crush?: i have no idea
How many tattoos did you have?: none
How many piercings did you have?: ears
What was your favorite band/group: i can't remember
What was your worst fear?: losing people i love
Had you smoked a cigarette yet?: yes
Had you gotten drunk or high yet? yes
Had you driven yet?: yes
Had you been to a real party yet?: yes
Had your heart broken?: no
Lets see how you are now ;
July 2006
How old are you?: 19
Where do you go to school?: Cornell
Where do you work?: Quiznos :(
Where do you live?: new house still, dickson in the fall
Where do you hang out?: friends houses, parties
Do you wear glasses?: ummm i'm supposed to when driving at night but i dont
Who is your best friend?: kb, kara, kirst, kg
Who is your regular-person crush?: not sure
How many tattoos do you have now? none
How many piercings do you have now?: 2 in each ear
What car do you drive?: pedro
what is your favorite band/group?: lucky boys, the academy is, luda, something corporate, mcr, angels and airwaves
What is your worst fear now?: losing the people i love (including my friends when i leave)
Have you smoked a cigarette yet?: yeah
Have you gotten drunk or high yet? yess
Do you drive?: yeah
Have you been to a real party yet?: yea
Have you had your heart broken yet?: no