The Batxan Ficlets: The Battle - PG-13 - Xander/Batman

Sep 22, 2006 19:01

Title: The Battle

Fandom: Btvs/DC Comics

Pairing: Xander/Batman. Notes: This is from the Batxan verse, although Batman is not in this ficlet. And for anyone that doesn't know: Tim refers to Tim Drake who is Robin III

Genre: Comedy, Crack

Rating: PG

Summary: Now a fully fledged hero, Xander goes up against a mighty foe. Will he live through it?????

Warnings: Absolutely and completely does not contain monkeys. For the last time, NO MONKEYS!!! Jeez.

Beta'd by kitty_poker1.

Previous Batxan Ficlets: HERE

The battle was long and arduous, and he was finally feeling the effects. His newest opponent was greatly skilled in an art of combat that Xander had never seen in another.

A woman, with raven hair and a costume of deep ocean blue. She was beautiful, and Xander was glad he was gay. Her exquisite face and full bosom would not distract him. Although, she was wearing the most fabulous pair of…

“Ouch!” Xander reeled from the strike and cursed his wandering mind. It was not the way he’d been taught and his mentor would not be pleased.

She kicked out again, her leg stretching toward him, cutting through the air with an audible snap. His wrists folded across his chest and blocked the attack, but the blow still cost him dearly.

His tactics were wrong; he knew that now. She was swift, sneaky and truly had legs like lightning. Fighting her in her own territory had been a mistake. He should have used an aerial attack; it would have thrown her off guard and given him a chance to overwhelm her while she was still seeing stars.

But now it was too late and he only had one option left. “DIE, BITCH!” At first he wasn’t sure he could pull it off, but as his moves came together - punch, spin, kick, slide - Xander smiled and felt his spirits lift. He could do this; he could win. He really was going to…

Then the bitch performed the Tenshoukyaku! followed by the Hienshu! and Xander dropped dead on the spot.

In complete disgust for an entire hour wasted, Xander threw the game controller on the floor and sat back against the couch with his arms folded. Gods, how he hated Street Fighter. “Great.”

One day he was going to kick the crap out of Chun-Li. But not today. “Tim! I can’t get past level six!”


A/N Sooooooo, anyone remember Street Fighter? I had Street fighter II on the SNES. I loved it but, boy, Bison was a fucker to defeat. I think that was his name. Anyway, who wants to play? ~g~

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