Last Night's SGA Ep: The Return - Part 1

Sep 23, 2006 13:53

Firstly, I have just one word: TURTLES!!!!

How much do I love Carson??? Bundles and bundles. And he teared up! Goodness, I want to squish him up. Anyone else thinks he fancies Rodney? I become more and more convinced every day.

And did anyone else get excited when Rodney was on the phone to John? I actually squeeed out loud when he mentioned they were going to dinner together. Very excited, I did get. Oh, yeah. I was more than a little disappointed to later find that it wasn’t just the two of them. But then again, I got the feeling that Rodney and John do talk a lot on the phone. John is obviously used to his honey blabbering on and knows exactly when to cut him off.

Rodney’s lonely!! I think it says a lot about his and John’s friendship - seriously - that he can basically admit that to him.

Another funny point was the WOW (World of Warcraft) scene. Heeheehee. Elizabeth looked completely befuzzled and said that it’s a silent passion of hers. I’m left wondering by the big smile on Rodney’s face whether he’d thought up that distraction in advance or if it just suddenly came to him.

Oh, oh and I loved the team’s hypothetical discussion on how to infiltrate Atlantis.

And, and, and all their mobile phones ringing at the dinner table!

I really enjoyed this episode. It was very cool and contained a lot of the classic SGA humour that I love so much.

Now, onto the sobbing: Cliffy!! And, even worse, Hiatus!!! Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep. Okay, people, I seriously need dates. I can’t cope. I know Canada will begin airing again before the States so that’s good for me because I can download them as per usual. So, anyone have the Canadian date for The Return -Part 2?

Also? Rodney and John in civvies = multiple orgasms and a happy Suki.

sga eps, sga

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