Cosplay for charity...

Sep 10, 2011 18:58

You may remember in my last entry that I liked to Cosplay. Well this is a pretty new thing for me, I've only been to a couple of conventions in Costume.

My best friend (who I've known for over 20 years) is an uber geek, and so am I ^_^

When we were younger we used to watch the 90's X-Men cartoon and I also loved Spiderman.

Since then, I've always loved all types of comics, at first I was more into Manga, but another friend of mine leant me his collection of Marvel comics and so did my best friend, and I remembered what it was I loved so much about the cartoons, because it all came from the comics.

I'd known about Cosplay for a while but though it was only for anime characters/games, (I know, silly to think that really) but anyway there is actually a huge fan base for superhero cosplay, and my best friend started to show an interest in this, I never thought she would at first, but I was quite happy because I had thought it might be fun to do this, but none of my friends would want to, turns out she thought the exact same thing ^_^

She told me about The Heroes Alliance UK, a group of people that dress up in their favorite superhero costumes to raise money for the Make a Wish Foundation (giving terminally sick children their wishes)

So we decided to do it together, and I joined the Heroes Alliance. These people truly are amazing, I've met such wonderful new friends who I chat to on a regular basis now, and we have so much fun at conventions, it really is very rewarding, we get to do something that's fun that we enjoy and for a good cause.

So far I've dressed as Ms Marvel which my best friend made for me, she has an incredible knack for making costumes, and it's really very good, she went as Rogue from X-Men (because Ms Marvel and Rogues have a history, google is your friend at this point!)

I was quite shy at first because it's lycra so it is skin tight, and it's a leotard with thigh high boots (well, we used black stocking thingies to give the illusion of that anyway).

I've gotten used to it now and she really is fun to portray, I read up her character bio and actually in some ways I can relate to her, with all the suffering in her life she's had to endure, she still tries, and sometimes I feel that strength in me too ^_^

Piccie wics! Ms Marvel:

And Chun Li from Street Fighter!:

I know some people will say "This is so cheesy" but honestly I have so much fun doing this, I'm not stopping any time soon, I've only just begun! And honestly, seeing kid's faces light up when they see their favorite character come to life, that feels so rewarding, I can't even describe to you.

Tomorrow is another event in Norwich, (apparently the Red Dwarf crew are going to be there, AHHHH!) It's only for a day but I'm excited XD
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