You Are The One[5/?]

May 03, 2011 15:56

I stared at the ceiling while thinking deeply. What’s wrong with me? Aish. I can’t Jaejoong’s face out my mind. It always appears again and again. I usually dozed off when I think of him…Geez am I turn gay or something? I rubbed my temples. Someone knocked my door so I got up to sitting position.

“Yunho? Are you awake? Breakfast is ready I just want to tell you that.”I heard Jae’s voice from outside.

“Okay Jae, just give me a minute.” I stood up from my bed and went to the door.

“Okay Yunho. Everyone is waiting for you downstairs.” I heard him say that and his footsteps slowly faded. I opened the door and walked slowly to the stairs while ruffling my hairs. Aish Jung Yunho get hold of yourself. I walked downstairs and saw everyone already at the dining table. I can smell something’s good from here. I bet Jae cooked all of this. As I finished my steps and arrived everybody’s attention turned at me and I just smiled and waved a little.

I sat down opposite Jaejoong and saw Changmin beside him and they’re smiling at each other..? What did I miss? I keep staring at them while eating my pancake slowly. Changmin whispered something on Jae’s ear and Jae just giggled. I felt my body turned hot from anger and jealousy.  I saw Changmin pecks Jae’s cheek and Jae blushed!


“WHAT?!”I turned and saw the Yoosu couple’s eyes widened in shock.

“U-uh we just want to say that y-your fork..”I looked down and saw my fork already not in the good state anymore. Tch.

“I’m not  hungry.” I stood up and went outside the villa. I need fresh air. When I was outside I sat down on the swings outside the villa and thinking. I ruffled my hair in frustration. Aish Jung Yunho, you’re so messed up. I do like Jaejoong. But he already with Changmin. Ani, ani. It’s never too late. I can fight for him and make him mine. I smirked at my plan as I felt someone tapped my shoulder.

I looked up and saw Jaejoong looking at me with worried eyes.

“Yunho…are you okay?”He asked as he bitting his lower lips cutely. I can just kiss him right here, but rush never been good so I stopped right there and just staring at his beautiful pale skin face. He blinked his eyes and looked at me confusedly and still waiting for my answer.

“I’m fine.”I ruffled his hair playfully as he smiled.

“That’s good to hear, Yunho. Let’s go in neh? Everybody is worried about you. Kaja?”I nodded and followed him inside. When we arrived inside I saw Junsu and Yoochun watching tv together and Changmin sat down on the window and turned around when he realized our presence. His smile light up when he saw Jaejoong. Somehow, I can’t hate him.

Jaejoong approached him and hugged him with smile on his face. I felt my heartache. Jealousy is a bitch isn’t it? Jung Yunho hwaiting! I must win this. I saw Changmin looked at me with narrow eyes and I smirked at him. He gave me shock look. Let the games begin. Jung Yunho vs Shim Changmin. Who will win this game? I walked to my room with smirk on my face. I must think of something.

Hey guys! This is chapter 5! Please give me comments, that will make me really happy…no silent readers please! Give me support so I can update sooner! :D ps: sorry it's short...i got writer block..>< i'm gonna try to update more!


fan fic, jaemin, jaejoong, chaptered, changmin

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