
Sep 23, 2011 19:06

          Ti t l e: Evidences

Pairing: No Pairing, Donghae, Kyuhyun, Leeteuk

Genre: Humor, crack

Rating: G

Disclaimer: I don’t own Super Junior, if I own them I will held their private concert only for me haha xp

Summary:  This is what happened when Lee Donghae found evidences about alien’s existence

Donghae was reading a book at his room with a serious looks on his face. The title of the book called ‘I Am Number Four’. Suddenly he closed that book, put it on the table and turned silence for a while. Then he looked up with sparkling eyes and idiotic smile on his face. He stood up and hit the table with his hand and screamed.

“I knew it! Alien it’s real!” Kyuhyun who was walking in front of Donghae’s room with psp on his hands stopped his track and walked backward and leaned his ear at the door.

“What the hell…?”Suddenly the door slammed open and ‘accidently’ hit Kyuhyun on the face. Donghae’s head popped out from the door and his eyes widened when he saw Kyuhyun in not a really good state. Kyuhyun winced while holding his face in pain and the other hand holding his precious psp. Donghae’s face was like this -> O.O’’!!!

“Omo! Kyuhyun-ah! Mianhae…haha…haha…”Donghae scratched his not so itchy neck while looking at Kyuhyun  with apology looks. Kyuhyun looked up with a deathly aura around his body. Donghae gulped while walking backward,away from the evil magnae.

“LEE DONGHAE…PREPARE TO DIE!!!!”Donghae ran away from Kyuhyun in speed that human can’t reach. You can’t blame him, the magnae is damn scary when he’s mad.

Kyuhyun was chasing Donghae all around the dorm when Leeteuk came into the dorm

“Annyeong yorobeun! I’m ho--.”Leeteuk can’t finished his words because one of Kyuhyun’s sandal landed beautifully on his flawless face. Ouch.


Heechul, Yesung, Shindong and the other members who was enjoying the “Fishy and The Evil Magnae Fight’ faces turned pale when they saw their leader, while Donghae keep throwing things to Kyuhyun to save himself. Nobody wanted to make Leeteuk mad. The leader who was has a nickname ‘Angel Without Wings’ turned into ‘Devil Without Horn’ when he’s mad and that ain’t pretty at all.

“Kyuhyun! Donghae!”Leeteuk screamed. Donghae and Kyuhyun froze on ther spot trembling with fear when they saw their leader’s face.


Kyuhyun and Donghae sat opposite from Leeteuk sweating while playing with their hands nervously. The leader crossed his arms while staring at them with calm face. Don’t get it wrong. The calm Leeteuk means he’s really mad.

“Now,explain.”Leeteuk demanded.

“Donghae hit my face with the door.”Kyuhyun spoke up.

“B-but! It was an accident! I didn’t mean to!”Donghae defended himself.

“It will never gonna happen if you didn’t scream about that stupid alien thingy!”Kyuhyun replied. “You’re really weird hyung!”

“I am not weird! And it’s not stupid! Alien is real!”Donghae puffed his cheeks like a blowfish. “And I got the evidence right here!”Donghae showed the ‘I Am Number Four’ book that he just read. Leeteuk took the book, turned it over and read the summary.

“Donghae, this is just a fiction story. This is not real at all.”

“But hyung…”Donghae pouted.

“No but, I don’t want this to happen again,arasso?”

“Ne…”Donghae looked down.

“Now, apologize to Kyuhyun.”

“Mianhae Kyuhyun-ah…”Donghae apologized while pouting.

“Gwaenchanha hyung.”Donghae smiled a bit.


Tomorrow morning Donghae sat down in front of the tv and watching a movied called ‘Transformer.

“………….I knew it!!! It’s real!!”Donghae shouted happily.

Kyuhyun who was playing his psp at the living room turned his head to his weird hyung and shook his head. ‘This boy is never gonna change.’ He thought.

Hello guys! What do you guys think?! Please give me comments! xD

fan fic

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