You Are The One[4/?]

Feb 23, 2011 20:08

Title: You Are The One [4/?]

Pairing: Jaemin

Genre: Romance, drama, angst, fluff, AU! High school

Rating: PG-13 [will go up at the future chapter]

Summary: The shy boy met the freshman. What will happen?

Chapter 4
I stared at the direction Changmin and Yunho went. What is Changmin thinking? Why is he dragging Yunho to play volleyball? Volleyball is a sport that needs more than one person. But why Changmin is just dragging Yunho? And he seems so happy. I puffed my cheeks. My eyes widened. Am I jealous? way…no Kim Jajeoong are you kidding? I laughed nervously. Wait, I just laughed nervously. I gasped.
“Hyung.”I turned to Junsu who just called me.

“I am not jealous!”I can feel my cheeks turned red. Junsu and Yoochun stared at each other and than laughed. I pouted and I can feel my cheeks turned redder.


“H-hyung! I just wanna say I-I’m hungry! HAHAHAHAHAH!”Junsu laughed holding Yoochun’s shoulder for support. God, I’m busted. So embarrassing. And I just realized I’m still holding the frying pan hasn’t started my cooking yet.
Kim Jaejoong you’re so dead. I tried to ignore Junsu’s laughter and Yoochun’s giggle but I failed miserably.

“YAH!! YOU TWO! IF YOU’RE NOT STOP LAUGHING I WON’T COOK FOR YOU!”They turned quiet immediately. Finally.

“Good.”I continued to cook as my mind wandering to Changmin and Yunho. Are they having fun? I bit my lips lightly.
I went to Changmin’s room at night. I knocked at the door and I can hear him said come in. So I came in and saw him sitting down on his bed. He grinned when he saw me. I love that smile…


“Huh?”I blinked. Changmin chuckled. I blushed. Did I just doze off?

“Hyung, you were staring at me with dreamy face.”I can feel blush crept into my cheeks.

“Aww…I love it when you blush hyung…so cute…”He chuckled.

“C-Changmin stop that…”I covered my red face with my hands. And someone just remove my hands from my face. It’s Changmin, how suprising.

“Don’t cover your beautiful face hyung.”He pecked my cheek.

“Hahaha! You’re so easy to blush Jae-hyung!”He laughed.

“You’re teasing me again aren’t you?”I pouted.

“Awww…I’m sorry but you’re so fun to tease…and your reaction is just so cute!”He pinched my cheek lightly. I sat down on his bed and he followed.

“So, do you want to talk to me about something?”Changmin asked. I took a deep breath. Okay, here we go.

“Hmm…are you having fun play volleyball with Yunho?”I looked down biting my lips. I waited for an answer but surprisingly I don’t get that. I looked up and saw Changmin grinning like an idiot. What the?

“Hyung~ are you jealous?”He smirked. My eyes widened.

“No way! I am not jealous!!!”

“Oh?”He stood up and went to the door.

“Where are you going?”I blinked in confusion.

“I will go to Yunho-hyung’s room.”He smiled. My eyes widened once again.

“W-what?! No!!!”I covered my mouth. He smirked and sat down next to me again. He blew into my ears made me shiver.

“Hyung~ do you like me?”He nibbled my ear. I gulped. Now or never.

“Y-yes…”He pulled away and stared at me in disbelief.

“Seriously?!”He asked with happiness, disbelief face.

“Shut up and just kiss me!”I kissed him with much passion. He kissed me back as he wrapped his arms around my waist. I circled my hands around his neck. He nibbled my lower lips asking for my permission. I parted my mouth open and our tongue rubbed together in slow motion. I moaned in kiss. This is feel so good. He pulled away and I stared at him in confusion. He smiled and licked my neck. I shivered in delight. As he just sucking my neck the door burst open and I turned to the door and saw Junsu and Yoochun with shock expression.
I blushed and Changmin just smiling at the two. Junsu’s face turned into this annoying face that I want to punch so much.

“Ohhhh~ Jaejoong-hyung got a new boyfriend~ Sorry for disturb please go on.”He winked and closed the door.

“So hyung…can we go on?”Changmin asked eagerly.

“Sorry Minnie…I’m not in the mood anymore…”He pouted. Aww so cute. I pecked his lips.

“I’m gonna make it up to you, I promise.”I lied down on the bed and closed my eyes slowly. I felt Changmin snuggled and I hugged him while smiling. And I fell into deep slumber.

Yay! They finally a couple! Please comment! No silent reader! It will make me so happy and update faster!

fan fic, jaemin, jaejoong, chaptered, changmin

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