You Are The One [3/?]

Feb 16, 2011 14:08

Title: You Are The One [3/?]

Pairing: Jaemin

Genre: Romance, drama, angst, fluff, AU! High school

Rating: PG-13 [will go up at the future chapter]

Summary: The shy boy met the freshman. What will happen?

Chapter 3
I went to the subway Junsu-hyung told me to go yesterday. Today is the day that we will go to Junsu-hyung’s villa. I’m so excited. This is my chance to get close with Jae-hyung. I smirked when I think about this. When I arrived I looked around for the others. I spotted Jae-hyung was leaning his body in front of the wall. I walked quietly and sneaked behind his back. When I just behind him I blew his ear. He jumped and turned around. I laughed to see his reaction. He blushed. I laughed harder.
“Hahahah! Hyung! You’re so funny!”He pouted as I continue to laugh. He walked away stomping. Aigo..I pulled his hand to stop him.

“Mianhae hyung…”I chuckled.

“Stop teasing me!”He pouted.

“But you are so fun to tease! Your reaction is too cute!”I pinched his cheek lightly. I heard someone clear throat so I and Jae-hyung turned around and saw Junsu and 2 other guys that I guess Yoochun and Yunho.

“Hey Changmin! Hyung!”Junsu waved excitedly. He’s always hyper isn’t he?

“Hey hyung!”I grinned and I saw Jae-hyung smiled at Junsu from the corner of my eyes. I looked at this one guy. He was staring at Jae-hyung. Who is this? Yunho or Yoochun? Is he has crush on hyung or something? I puffed up my cheeks. I heard someone chuckled and I saw Jae-hyung.

“Changmin-ah, what’s with that face?”He giggled.

“Nothing hyung…”

“Oh yeah Changmin-ah, this is Yoochun my boyfriend and this is Yunho my brother.”Junsu introduced them. Oh, so this guy is Junsu-hyung’s brother. The one was staring at Jae-hyung. I looked at him from top to bottom. He’s not bad. But I’m much better than him. I scoffed. Yoochun, Jae-hyung, and Junsu-hyung were staring at me confusedly and I just gave them my usual innocent smile. I can felt Yunho’s stare at me but I just ignored it.

“Okay everyone, let’s go the train is gonna take off soon.”The Yoochun guy said. Everyone lifted their luggage and went into the train.
I stared the big building in front of me in aw. It’s really big, nice, extraordinary just WOW. I heard someone chuckled and saw Jae-hyung smiling at me.

“Junsu is rich…so don’t be surprise.”He whispered on my ear. I nodded and still staring at Junsu’s hyung villa.

“Come on guys! Let’s go!”Junsu-hyung shouted. Is he always that excited? We went inside the villa. And surprisingly the inside was nice too.

“Um…Junsu-hyung, where is my room?”I asked.

“You can choose every room you want Changmin-ah.”Junsu answered smiling. Hmm…I walked around the villa and I decided I chose the room upstairs at the corner. I saw Jae-hyung chose the room next to me, I smiled at him and he nodded and smiled back.
I walked inside my room and unpacked. After I finished I went to the balcony and stared at the view.

“Beautiful, isn’t it?”I turned around and saw Jae-hyung next to me. I nodded and went back to staring. Suddenly I heard him singing. I closed my eyes and enjoying it. His voice is so soothing and beautiful. I don’t know why when I’m listening to his voice I felt really calm.

“Jaejoong-hyung!”I heard Junsu-hyung’s voice from downstairs. I saw Jaejoong-hyung turned around.

“Let’s go Changmin-ah…I think he needs me.”Jae-hyung said. Need him for what? Oh well, I just followed him downstairs anyway. When we arrived downstairs I saw Junsu-hyung in apron holding frying pans on both of his hands. I cracked at that view. Jae-hyung sighed.

“Su, you will burn down your kitchen. Let me cook the lunch.”Jae-hyung said and took the frying pans from Junsu-hyung’s grip. I never know Jae-hyung can cook. I looked around and saw Yunho staring at Jae-hyung with smile on his face. I narrowed my eyes.

“Hey Yunho-hyung~”I said in my fake sweet smile. I feel like I want to puke. He looked up and stared at me weirdly.

“Yes Changmin-sshi?”He raised his eye brow at me. How rude.

“Just call me Changmin Yunho-hyung.”I smiled. Where is this smiley guy come from? Oh well, I need to get him away from Jae-hyung. “Let’s play volleyball Yunho-hyung!”

“Why with me?”

“Because Jae-hyung is busy cooking, and Yoochun and Junsu-hyung are busy with each other! Come on!”I pulled his hand and went to the beach. I saw Jae-hyung staring at us with confuse look. I smiled innocently at him and went to the beach with Yunho.

Hey guys! Give me your opinion and please do comment! If u haven’t read the previous part just go to my profile! Please comment! Gomawo! ^^
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