You Are The One [2/?]

Jan 09, 2011 18:49

Title: You Are The One [2/?]

Pairing: Jaemin

Genre: Romance, drama, angst, fluff, AU! High school

Rating: PG-13 [will go up at the future chapter]

Summary: The shy boy met the freshman. What will happen?

Chapter 2

I walked back to my apartment as I thought about what just happened between Changmin and I. Changmin… I can feel my cheeks turned red. He’s the first one who treated me like that…I don’t know…I felt love. My cheeks got hotter and hotter when I thought about what he did to me. I shook my head and I arrived at my apartment I opened the door and locked it.
I sighed when I felt coldness inside. I went to my room and put my bag on the floor. I took my towel and got ready for bath. I went to the bathroom and took a bath.
After I finished I dried my hair and went to my room to change. I looked at the clock. It’s time for work… I put my cell phone into my pocket and went outside. I locked the door and walked to the café that I worked in.
I walked to the table to serve some menu when I heard my name being called by familiar voice.

“Jae-hyung?”I looked down and saw Changmin’s shock face. My mouth wide opened when I saw him grinning at me.

“C-changmin?”I shuttered, still didn’t believe what I see.

“You work here huh hyung?”

“Y-yes, so what your order?”I asked as I coughed.

“Cute.”I can felt my cheeks turned red. He chuckled.

“Aww hyung…why are you so adorable…anyway can I get some cappuccino please?”

“Sure…wait for a minute…”I went away to take his order, but I can still felt he was staring at me. I went back to him with his order and I just wanted to go away when he pulled my hand.

“W-what? I need to work.”

“I want to order something again…”He grinned innocently. I sighed.

“What now?”

“Can I order you to accompany me?”He winked.

“W-what? No way. I need to work Changmin.”I looked around nervously.

“Please? Just for a while…”He gave me the cutest puppy dog face that I’ve even seen. I sighed in defeat and I sat down opposite him.

“Yay!”I shook my head to see his childish attitude.

“So hyung, why do you have to work?”He asked.

“Because I need money Changmin..duh?”I answered.

“Haha, what about your parents?”I froze when I heard that. I can felt his stare at me.

“T-they divorced and they’re at America right now.”I forced a smile.

“I’m sorry hyung…”I smiled weakly.

“It’s okay Changmin-ah…now I need to go back to work.”I stood up and went to the bar.
Aish…I’m so tired. I just finished my work and went outside. When I was outside someone hugged me from behind. I jumped in shock. I turned around and saw Changmin grinned innocently. He’s waiting for me? I blinked in disbelief.

“C-Changmin? You’re waiting for me?”

“Neh! I am hyung!”He said with that grin on his face.
“W-waeyo?”I blinked. He pinched my cheeks instead answering my question.=_=’

“Aigo hyung…why do you have to be so cute?”I pouted. He let go of my cheeks and ruffled my hairs. I pouted more.

“My hair!”I tried to fix my hair. He chuckled.

“Now hyung, where is your house? I will accompany you there.”

“I’m not a child anymore Changmin, I can go home by myself.”

“But I want to accompany hyung. And that’s final.”He smirked. I sighed. He’s really something. I walked and he followed me happily.
Finally we arrived at in front of my apartment. I turned around and coughed.

“Uh…we’re here…so you can go home now Changmin-ah…uh…and thank you for…”He cut my words. My eyes widened in shock. He kissed me. I wanted to push him away but it felt good. I closed my eyes and just enjoyed his soft lips on mine.
After he pulled away I froze and I can felt that my cheeks were burning. He smirked and patted my head.

“I’ll see you tomorrow at school hyung.”He walked away. I still stood here in shock. I blinked and got back to my sense. I opened the door with my keys and went in. I went to the bathroom and took a warm shower.
Changmin…Changmin…Changmin…no…Jaejoong you just meet him…Why the hell I keep thinking about him? I sighed. The warm waters went through my body as I closed my eyes to enjoy it. I need to clear my head.
I walked to my school. My school is close so I walked. When I just hummed song while walking, someone glomped me from behind. I gasped in shock and looked back. I knew it, it’s Junsu.

“Hello hyung!”He grinned. Junsu is my best friend. He’s at the same class as me. He called me hyung because I’m older than him by months.

“Hey Junsu, morning.”I smiled.

“Hyung, hyung! Tomorrow our summer vacation is starting! Do you want to go to my family’s villa?”He asked me excitedly with sparkle on his eyes.

“With who?”I asked.

“You,me, Yoochun, and my hyung!”If you’re wondering who’s Yoochun, he’s Junsu’s boyfriend and the hyung it’s his brother Yunho.

“Hyung, do you want to? Please…”He gave me his puppy dog face. Before I can answer his question someone answered it for me.

“Yes.”I felt that someone was hugging me from behind. I turned my head and saw Changmin put his chin on my shoulder and smiled at Junsu. Junsu looked at Changmin confusedly.

“Uh…who are you?”Junsu asked.

“I’m Changmin, I’m a freshman and Jaejoong-hyung’s new friend. Can I come with you guys?”Changmin looked at Junsu with pleading eyes.

“Of course you can! You’re hyung’s friend!”Junsu grinned. “I’m Junsu by the way, nice to meet you Changmin-ah!”
Changmin let go of me and shook Junsu’s hand and they were grinning at each other. I can feel that they will get along so well.

What do you think of this chapter? Please comment, tell me what you think! :D
-sujudbsklover <3

fan fic, jaemin, jaejoong, chaptered, changmin

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