You Are The One [1/?]

Jan 04, 2011 13:56

Title: You Are The One [1/?]

Pairing: Jaemin

Genre: Romance, drama, angst, fluff, AU! High school

Rating: PG-13 [will go up at the future chapter]

Summary: The shy boy met the freshman. What will happen?

Chapter 1

Finally the ceremony was over. I was walking at the hallway when I heard a very beautiful voice from the roof. Because of my curiosity I went upstairs and opened the door slowly. When the door opened I saw some boy with a blonde hair and pretty face singing with a big smile on his face. I sat down on the chair, heard him singing. He kept singing didn’t realize I was here.

I just closed my eyes and enjoyed his beautiful voice. I don’t know why. but his voice made me feel calm. I opened my eyes when he finished. I clapped my hands. His eyes widened and turned at me. He gasped, his adorable eyes turned big and pointed at me as he backing away.

“W-w-what are you doing here?”He shuttered.

“Eh? Hmm…let me see, I just walking at the hallway and I heard a very beautiful voice…”He blushed when I said that, so cute. “And then because of my curiosity I went to voice came from and I saw you singing.”

He looked away. “U-uh…I-I should go!”He said and wanted to run away, but of course I stopped him. His eyes widened once again and he blushed. He’s so shy.

“What’s your name?”I asked.

“J-Jaejoong, Kim Jaejoong.”He whispered.

“Jaejoong, Jae…a beautiful name for a gorgeous man like you.”I grinned. He blushed harder.

“W-what are you talking about?”He was looking at my hand that still holding his hand. I smirked and rubbed his hand with my finger.

“Let go…”

“No.”I smirked. “My name is Changmin, I’m 15…how old are you?”

“Sixteen.”He was still looking down.

“Oh…you’re older than me, Jae-hyung…”I pulled his hand and made him sit on my lap. He gasped and tried to struggle, but I held him just in place.

“Y-yah! W-what are you doing?”

“I just want to touch you hyung…”I rubbed his arms. He shuddered. I licked his ear and he moaned. Oh, sensitive.

“S-stop…”He closed his eyes. He struggled a bit but it was weak. I knew that he was enjoying it. I pulled away and I sucked his neck. He moaned louder.

“C-changmin…”Oh…I love his voice. I pulled away and whispered seductively at his ear.

“Hyung…you’re so gorgeous… I know that we just met…but do you want to be my boyfriend? I really like you…”I licked his cheek and he closed his eyes. I pulled away once again and whispered at his ear.

“So do you want to be my boyfriend Jae?”I asked once again. He stood up.

“I just met you!”He said while blushing.

“I know…okay, I will give you some time. I will make you fall in love with me, If you have a feeling for me. I don’t care if it’s little, tell me okay?”I kissed his hand. He blushed.

“I-I gotta go to class.”He took his bag and walked away. I followed him from behind.


“Why are still following me?”He asked. I just grinned innocently at him.

“Because I don’t know where my new class is.”He sighed.

“What class are you?”He asked.


“Oh…just follow me, it’s the same direction as my class.” I followed him when he suddenly stopped.

“Jae?”He gulped. I stared at him confusedly and looked forward. I saw 3 men with annoying face smirking. What the hell?

“Hey girly…”One man rubbed Jae-hyung’s chin. Jae-hyung looked away and his face was pale. My anger rise when I saw that man started to touch Jae-hyung.

“Yah! Don’t touch him!”I gave him a death glare. He shocked with my sudden appearance.

“Well, well, well…who the hell is this?”

“I’m Changmin you jerk, don’t you dare touch Jae.”

“Who are you?”

“I told you I’m Changmin, are you deaf or an idiot?”I laughed sarcastically.

“Changmin don’t.”Jae-hyung gave me a look.

“Don’t worry hyung, I won’t let them do anything to you.”

“This kid!”The three men started to attack me. Jae-hyung eyes widened. I just punched them on the stomachs and pulled Jae-hyung’s hand and ran away.


Jae-hyung and I caught our breath as we panting.

“T-that was fun.”He laughed. I smiled and pecked his cheek. He blushed and touched his cheek.

“Oh hyung…” I hugged him.

Hey guys! What do you think? Please comment!

fan fic, jaemin, jaejoong, chaptered, changmin

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