Title: Chicken Soup for the Cursed Soul
ladyknightankaCharacters/Pairing(s): Harvey/Mike and the Winchesters
Word Count: 22k
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Graphic sexual content, noncon (involving demonic possession), light bondage, minor Harvey/demon/Mike, original character death (one instance somewhat graphic), explicit language, violence, some blood/gore (in erotic and other contexts), serious character whump, angst of Winchester proportions and occasional instances of inappropriate humor.
Notes/Disclaimer: Crossover with the TV show Supernatural. Incorporates characters from Suits and Supernatural. Spoilers for S1 of Suits and very minor spoilers for S7 of Supernatural. A teeny bit AU. The title is inspired by the Chicken Soup book series and is a pun on the surname Campbell. I chose the male symbol below because this whole fic is an excuse for bromance. No popculture references belong to me.
Art: The gorgeous art is courtesy of the wonderful
Summary: Upon Mary's death, another one of the Campbells, a female cousin, escaped the hunting life. She and her husband die in a mysterious accident a decade later, leaving their seven year old son, Mike, in his grandmother's care. Although he's been like a little brother to them, the Winchesters haven't seen Mike since Sam left for Stanford, when a case in New York suddenly throws them all together again. Mike is not aware of the supernatural world, but it, unfortunately, knows all about him.
1. The Ross Family Reunion ♂
2. Bullseye Pattered Skinny Tie ♂
3. All Lawyers Go to Hell ♂