Title: Vinculum Somnis
maja_liPairings: Harvey/Mike, background Arthur/Eames (Inception)
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~18.5k
Warnings: explicit sex; minor violence, psychological issues, and dream gore
Summary: When Harvey's little brother contacts him for the first time in two years, it can only be for one reason: to ask for Harvey's help with an extraction. Now, Harvey's being drawn back into a world he thought he'd left behind, with the added bonus of dragging Mike along with him. And if there's one person Harvey doesn't want in his head, it's Mike Ross. Crossover with Inception.
Author's Note: So, so many thanks to my amazing betas
rattetta, who is the Tommy Shepherd of proofreaders, and
khasael, who coaxed, coddled, cheerleaded, and when necessary kicked my ass (though I wear the bruises with pride) through this entire fic, without whom it never could have been finished. ♥
Artist's Note: This mix is titled "a gun and an eagle's eye" and contains 12 tracks, all .mp3, featuring bands such as M83, The Postal Service and Foster the People. I really hope you like it!
Part One ||
Part Two Mix: A Gun and an Eagle's Eye with album art and lyrics (below), by
whimsicalimages a gun and an eagle’s eye;
[for suits big bang by whimsicalimages.livejournal.com]
(01) nothing like you
This is a story and you are not in it
Flock of pages torn out
Here is a bedroom that you've never been in and
Here is your shovel, there's the ground.
(02) puzzles
Do you feel strange on the inside?
I should be here to grow, I should be here to know
That if I make it right, I could be heading home
That’s not a way to think.
(03) the reasons
And we know who we should love,
But we're never certain how.
I know you might roll your eyes at this,
But I'm so glad that you exist.
(04) new country
I'm back on my own, don't worry about me
I got no more baggage; I threw all my old things away…
The sun is now shining down on me,
Meet me as soon as you can.
(05) phantom limb
This town seems hardly worth our time
And we'll no longer memorize or rhyme,
Too far along in our crime,
Stepping over what now towers to the sky with no connection.
(06) slow show
So you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
God, I'm very, very frightening, I'll overdo it.
You know, I dreamed about you
For 29 years before I saw you.
(07) new map
There's a hole in your heart, begging for adventure.
Play yourself a new track, set traps for the future.
On your own, can you do it?
The unknown - can you face it?
(08) lights
And I'm not sleeping now; the dark is too hard to beat
And I'm not keeping now the strength I need to push me…
Noises, I play within my head
Touch my own skin and hope that I'm still breathing.
(09) clark gable
I want so badly to believe that there is truth, that love is real
And I want life in every word to the extent that it's absurd.
I know you're wise beyond your years, but do you ever get the fear
That your perfect verse is just a lie you tell yourself to help you get by?
(10) bachelor kisses
Hey wait, oh please wait
Don't rush off, you won't be late…
Don't believe what you've heard
Faithful's not a bad word.
(11) rescue song (rac remix)
Got a gun and an eagle’s eye, but would like somewhere safe to hide
You've a reason and so have I, it's true
I'm gonna rescue you so you can rescue me too
Make it a rendezvous.
(12) i would do anything for you
I’ll smile when you speak, remember all those times I was hoping for something
And shaking my head from all I have done - but you never left me
Ooh-la love, I’ve fallen in love, and it’s better this time than ever before
Ooh-la love, I’ve fallen in love, and it’s better this time than I’ve ever known.