Improve notification emails by including the post subject line.

Oct 09, 2010 19:07

Improve notification emails by including the post subject line.

Short, concise description of the idea
If I post a video and then someone replies, it's not at all obvious which post they've responded to. It would help dramatically if the email contained the subject line.

Full description of the idea
I get the following:
Some User (someuser) replied to your LiveJournal post
( in which you said:

> >
Their reply was:

This isn't terribly useful. If the subject line included the subject line of the original post it would be much easier to find the one I was looking for, or recognise the post that was being replied to.
An ordered list of benefits
  • I could find posts based on the subject line of the original post.
  • I could recognise what post people were replying to.
An ordered list of problems/issues involved
  • None that I can think of.

notifications: email, § no status

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