Keeping Screened Comments Screened When Replying

Apr 14, 2010 23:22

Keeping Screened Comments Screened When Replying

Short, concise description of the idea
Include an option for comments to remain screened even though they have been replied to. Alternatively, do not e-mail or otherwise notify people who are not the commenter or journal owner to maintain privacy of screened content.

Full description of the idea
While this is a re-post of I would like to have this here as an alternative suggestion because I've gone into a bit more detail below.

My First Suggestion
I use my LJ to post calls for Christmas cards/other correspondence. By default, all comments are screened on these posts, so that people feel safe leaving their addresses with me. I get a ton of traffic on these posts and that's a lot of addresses. Sometimes there are questions from them to me. Sometimes there are "Send me one!" comments from people who have neglected to choose an option (I have a few choices sometimes). Sometimes people leave their college addresses and forget that they're graduating and should be giving me a forwarding address instead. You know, things like that.

If I reply to the comment, then their comment gets unscreened, and here is the important part: it is e-mailed to anyone who has "Track This" and "send to e-mail" turned on. And if I forget this... then one of my friends' _HOME_ addresses gets leaked to any Tom, Dick, or Harry, who's decided to come by and track comments. I could send them a private LJ message, but some people have messaging turned off.

Therefore: I would REALLY appreciate being able to choose a ticky box that says, "Keep comment screened" when replying to these. ♥

As an alternative...
A post on suggestions here ( ) talks about the behaviour of "track this" with regards to unscreening screened comments. If my above suggestion is not viable from a programming standpoint, I'd like to suggest that replies to screened comments actually be sent only to the OP (journal owner) and the commenter.
An ordered list of benefits
  • Maintain privacy for commenters (avoid e-mailing sensitive information)
  • Remove one step for people who want to keep comments screened after replying to them.
  • With the tickybox option, retain current unscreening behaviour for people who want to keep the old ways.
An ordered list of problems/issues involved
  • Livejournal seems to be having server load issues lately, and this might increase server load. Would making this a paid feature reduce impact?
  • I'm afraid I'm not qualified to address programming drawbacks, but seems to have some really detailed technical stuff. I'm not sure how much of that applies in this case, but I thought it should be included here for completeness's sake.

comments, § no status, comment screening

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