I am such an attention whore! I swear I don't do it on purpose.....or do I? See, I don't even know! I scare people away from me seeming like I'm trying to get sympathy from them, and it's not something I do on purpose.
Oh well, I suck at life, and that's that. Well let's see here. Since the last entry [which was probably 2 months or so ago] Spencer's has decided to keep me full time. Well, part time for now, which I am now thoroughly enjoying. I have just about every other day off, and as the weeks go on, the more hours I'm getting. The people there are fucking awesome. I just got done doing my first inventory which I was extremely nervous about and totally dreading for a while.
I actually had my grandparents' 60th anniversary party earlier that day [which was this past Sunday] and since inventory needs every one there, I was needed and couldn't get out of it. So the lunch was around 3 and then I went to work at 5:30. My assistant manager had told me that we most likely weren't getting out before midnight. Luckily, it was pretty easy and went by smoothly. I was done by 11:45 and it wasn't as horrible and painful as I thought it was going to be, so that was pretty awesome.
Today, however, was a pretty long day. I was also doing shipment all day which kinda sucked. It was a super slow day with very few customers and even though it was easier to get shipment done, it seemed to make the day a wh0o0o0ole lot slower. Helping customers all day makes the day go a bit quicker. At least I have off tomorrow, then I don't have to be in until 6 on Wednesday.
Yay for dentist appointments too. I need to get my wisdom teeth pulled, and it probably won't be done on Friday when my appointment is. Hopefully it will get done soon. I can't wait to get knocked out on funny gases to get my teeth pulled. It's honestly stupid, but things like that excite me. I have always wanted to be gased up by funny gas or something.
On a sad note, my grandmother, mother to my father, is dying slowly. She hasn't been very well for the past year and a half or so, but now she's literally skin and bones. Her eyes are sunk in to her sockets and she can't move at all. I talked to her a couple of weeks ago, but she's not all there. Every one is expecting her to go real soon, as mean as it sounds, it's the truth. My father has made all the arrangements, and within the next two weeks, she's expected to go. Again, it's sad and it sounds mean, but her condition isn't getting any better. Her kidneys and liver are shutting down. Her whole body is shutting down and it's not looking good at all. She's lived her life, and her husband has been dead for about 6 years now. I think I was in freshman year of high school. I was walking up my steps coming home from school when Jane E [my sister] walked up to be, put her arms on my shoulders and said "I'm sorry to tell you this, but your grandfather died today." I just looked up at her and said "Oh." Like, it sounds so horrible, but I wasn't very close to my grandfather at all, and like, it didn't hit me until the night before his funeral what had happened. I dunno how it's going to be when my grandmother leaves us. This time I will be a little more prepared, but my emotions will still be weird about it I guess. I don't know how to explain it. She even said herself that she didn't think she was going to be here for Christmas, but that was a little wrong, lol. She'll be better off after this anyway. She's in no condition to be here anymore, and it's horrible to watch her go through this. We pretty much know that she doesn't want to be here, in this state right now either.
So anyway. Uh....yea I got really drunk last Sunday, the 15th. After work I came home and drank Captain Morgan and Dr. Pepper all night [yes by myself, I am a loser and a future alcoholic as we know it] and I talked to Matt, Samm, and Heather [a co-worker] on line....and yea....By the time Samm got to me, I was waaaay past buzzed and she couldn't understand a damn word I was typing, lol! I told Heather a story I have never really told anyone about my child hood, and Matt? Well, I told him things that were just so stupid and ridiculous I wonder how and why he still wants to talk to me. I told him I loved him too. Well, I remember saying something like "I can't believe I thought I loved you." and I can't remember everything I told him, but the things I do remember telling him were horrible, so I can't even imagine the things I DON'T remember telling him. Oy Vey! *rolls eyes* So we all know how fun Laura can be when she's drunk. I will say though, that I am a SUPER HAPPY drunk. I am such a happy person when I drink. It's funny, and yet, so sad at the same time.
Oh, and I've discovered something about myself. I am HARDCORE Emo, lol! Actually, I was EMO way before the damn label was invented. I cry a lot, lol. I've been caught up in all the cute gun accessories and what not, since apparently anything with a gun as a fashion statement is considered EMO. I <3 the handcuff and gun things. I kinda did before they got big though. Now it's just easier to get stuff like that since it's in style.
Um...let's see...what else? Oh, the next concert will [hopefully] be Fall Out Boy @ the Tweeter. If I can get off that day that would be super awesome. I tried to get pitt tickets. I got on line at 9:30 awaiting the very second the tickets went on sale, and when I got on, they told me no pitt tix were available. What? They must have sold them all at pre-sale, which they shouldn't have. So I got the last section on the left side. Somewhere in the middle. Heather and I are going. I was so pissed about not getting pitt, and I almost didn't get the stupid tickets because I hate the tweeter, and I am a spoiled brat and only want to go with pitt tickets, but I didn't want to let Heather down, plus I wouldn't have to stay in line for 7 hours when I just have seats.
Heather then told me about her cousin or uncle or someone who is a scalper and waited to see what he could sell to us. He had much better seats. Front section, direct middle, in the first few rows. Only problem was he wanted $125 per ticket. PER TICKET! I paid 30 for one of mine. So I decided I didn't want to pay that much. Maybe for pitt, but not seats. So later on Heather finds out her best friend has 3 pitt tickets and says he's getting them from someone who owes him a favor. 30 bucks a ticket! Same price for ours. So she paid him and the tickets should be arriving by mail soon. I wanna make sure they're real before I go ahead and give my original tickets to my sister. I was going to sell them, but then thought about getting caught trying to sell them at the show or something. Again, even though I'm giving them to my sister, I still wanna make sure these pitt tix are real. I'm not trying to miss it completely! So hopefully that works out.
Well, hmmm...a long entry. I should go to bed or something. Have a good night [for anyone who actually reads this nowadays!]
oh yea!!! p.s. - I wore a white shirt today! *gasp* literally, a once-a-year type deal. No pictures, sorry. :/