While talking on the phone with
thehypercube the other morning, he mentioned that he heard 7-11 Japan (which also owns department store Ito Yokado and Denny's Japan) had put in a
bid to buy up the stocks of 7-11 America. This worries me a bit, because, to be honest, 7-11 in Japan is crap compared to 7-11 in the USA. Actually, even compared to
Lawson or
Sunkus(which is teamed up with Circle K), 7-11 Japan is pretty weak. But the thing that's most worrisome, though, is that 7-11 here doesn't have amazing things like Slurpees or Big Gulps. I like rice balls and all, but if I come back to America and Slurpees are gone, I may just get back on the plane to set some people straight.
It's funny to me, though, because in all my time here, there was no mention of Ito Yokado and Denny's being part of the 7-11 conglomerate, and the day after Aaron mentioned it to me, the new logo (pictured above), started showing up all over Akita. Strange, ne?