I can't believe
Bob Moog died. Well, I guess I can believe it, I just didn't find out until
advancecassette emailed me the other day. Kind of a bummer to see guys like that pass.
Another thing that caught my eye on the internet the other day was this graffiti project using
Space Invaders mosaics. I'm probably the least video game dorky of the people you know (all of my friends play more than I do), but I can totally appreciate these. Check to see if
your city made their agenda. Mine sure didn't.
Back in school, and busy again. I was nominated to take over the captain position for the prefectural soccer team, so organizing our big tournament trip next month has been taking up more of my free time than I expected. But don't worry, I think we'll show well, and damn, we are gonna look good, too.
"What I did on my summer vacation" (in picture form) coming soon.