Light up, light up, as if you have a choice

Jul 05, 2006 10:52

Obsessed with the above song at the moment. I'm always a bit slow on the uptake, I mean, people were obsessed with this song ages ago.

Anyway so I ordered the new Snow Patrol album on recommendation, and it arrived today. I rather excitedly ripped the Jiffy Bag (usually, I spend time trying to make it re-usable) and of course, this would be the one time I will need to use said Jiffy Bag to send it back. HOW can you mix up Snow Patrol and Fatboy Slim, I ask? *sigh*

Yesterday I went to Mel's. She's in town for a couple of days and it was like a really really hot day so we had a bit of a swim, whilst dissecting events of her sister's party the night before (lots of people, police....). But then we got hungry, so did an Asda trip and found Sophie after we lost her. She hadn't gone far and Ray discovered her outside Sutton station. And there were LOADS of nice clothes in Asda, too. Must go back....

Gotta buy the obligatory 'new outfit' for my trip, after all!

Gave Sophie a lift home and stopped outside her place, we started talking and the next thing I knew an hour and a half had passed. Sophie's a legend!

It's hot as hell, though. Well, not hot - more humid, I guess. Had this insane thunderstorm early this morning and my cat, terrified, leapt into the window and decided it was cuddles time.

She was soaking wet. It was 6-7am.

Do I have anything else to talk about..................... probably not D:

Going to Ireland in 8 days! That's a single-digit number! There are rumours about possibly going to Dublin for an evening too, which'd be great. I've not been there for eight years and my memories of it are basically just of Grafton Street. Also you all need to cross your fingers that the weather is good when I fly out because otherwise the plane won't land and I'll end up in Shannon and get to Cork at 4am. *sob* But even if that does happen, it won't matter. It didn't matter last time, either. I'm just looking forward to seeing everyone! Roll on The Brog!

It's still too humid, though. Bah.
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