Blistered and bruised

Jun 19, 2006 16:32

My fingers, that is.

Man, it's been ages since I spent an entire afternoon/evening playing my guitars. :) I say guitars plural because after x hours playing my acoustic I physically can't hold the thing anymore, so it's back to electric.

Is this a record? In the history of all SueThings, my current Goo Goo Dolls obsession has to be running pretty high.

I learned to play Two Days in February. I just need to completely spaz up the tuning on one and really work at Iris and then I'll be happy...

I <3 it so much!

So I'm at work and a bit bored as things are slow, just reorganised some of my little system... going onsite in an hour and it's dad's birthday too.

I LOVE YOUTUBE. I found some kickass vids on there.
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