hello, the end

May 06, 2008 00:00

Saturday: went to Bouley. Walked to Tribeca, from where I am. It took over an hour. It was good though, I just can't believe I did it. Then had 7 courses. It was amaaaazing. Everything was all artfully arranged, but the petite fours were especially pretty. Tiny muffin looking thing, so cute! Sadly, I did not have a camera. Well, I had my camera phone, but it goes all screwy in the dark.

Speaking of food, also went to soba-ya. Ahh kill me, so good! I almost did die, I ate so much. So while everyone went to watch Baby Mama, I stayed in and wallowed on the sofa clutching my stomach. One would think I learned something from the food poisoning incident of spring break, but noo. On the other hand, friends were not impressed by Baby Mama, so maybe that was a blessing in disguise.

Finals week! Hooray! Last day of class was today, except I didn't know that so I missed a lecture. When the professor wishes you luck on the final, I assume that means I won't see him again until the day of the final. Incorrectly assumed, obviously, so maybe he just wanted to give us extra luck.

Conversation that sums up life at this point:

JENN: What paper do you have to write now?
LEE: Umm this thing for a History class. 10 pages, heavy on the research, and not the Internet kind either. Fuck. I have zero research and it’s due Friday.
JENN: Jeez. ZERO? Are you serious?
LEE: Yeah, it's not looking good.

candid conversation, college, food, life, new york city

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