still here, just absent

Apr 01, 2008 00:03

I got food poisoning this weekend. It sucks, it's still not done, I sent in a paper 3 days late. Saltine crackers and strawberry + fruit punch Gatorade (and now bananas) are all that's saving me from hunger. EVERYTHING smells good. And thank god I got sick at Cam's, because I can't imagine having to clamber up and down a bunk bed and being sick in the toilet in our dirty little cramped dorm bathroom, or having to wait for one of my roommate/suitemates to get out of the bathroom, or lying in bed listening to people slam doors up and down the hallway.

So I got it because I was stupid and ate some ham that was left in the fridge for way too long. It was a really, really miserable 24 hours on Friday. I've always wondered what's worse: a really bad stomachache or a really bad headache, and then I had the two at the same time. It's still unresolved.

Over spring break, we baked cookies! Peanut butter and chocolate chip, to be exact, to test out the dinosaur cookie cutters radioedits got from eswang. The wavy bat-like thing is a teradycatl, and no I'm not going to look up spelling right now. We made a bunch of dinosaur cookies, then we got bored and made our own shapes!

The cookies look unappetizing, I know. They tasted okay! Not GREAT, but they were okay!

college, food, life, new york city, pictures

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