It's 9 o'clock and I just got home from work...soooo tired right now.
I was on data collection duty today, so basically I spent like two or so hours in a field filming a youth baseball game. And it was really windy and cold...and then at the end it started the end I could barely pack up the camera because my fingers were so cold I had trouble manipulating the buttons and straps and all. Even though it's Friday night I'm probably going to fall asleep early lol. And I have data collection on Monday as well, and Tuesday...unless they're cancelled due to rain. We've had rain pretty much constantly this entire week.
At least it's fun using the cameras and stuff; if the weather was better, it'd be a good time, it was just SO windy and cold today that I was just shivering constantly. Hopefully next week the weather will improve a bit. I'm also still working on the conference proposal...because of data collection and stuff for my other project, I haven't been able to run the analysis again. I really need to get my work laptop back from the person borrowing it so I can actually run everything that I need to.
This weekend will be pretty tiring too I expect, because I'm going to start moving furniture over to the new place. I won't move everything until next weekend though. But some stuff will go this weekend, and I need to look at'll be good once everything is moved in, but getting it to that state will be plenty of work, haha. That's always how it is with moving.
Nothing much else to report, I'm so tired from standing in the cold for hours that my brain is fried lol. Hopefully by the end of the month things will be a bit more settled down and I can relax.