[Captain's Log] Guidelines [Stardate: 102909.1]

Sep 09, 2009 02:44

[Updated: October 29, 2009/Thursday (2:17 - 3:29 AM): Revision.]

Welcome to stxi_ficarchive! This is a Star Trek XI (and sequel(s) for the reboot universe) fanfiction community, where writers can post their work (past or present) and organize them according to tags (content). Also, a place for readers to find specifics (kinds) of stories they want to read (by theme, setting, genre, pairing, and so forth). (The community may function as part resource, challenge/prompt, and discussion site as well, but that depends on how things progress and feedback.) stxi_ficarchive is not a request nor story-finder community (in the sense you request users to help you find a certain story that you like or can't remember; here you look for them by tags). As a warning: fanfiction submitted to this site may contain adult content, dark themes, and slash. (Pertaining to the style and sorting of this community, I was heavily influenced by and modeled it after these Stargate: Atlantis fanfiction sites: sgagenrefindersand Crossroads.)

This first 'Captain's Log' (mod post) is the main guidelines entry. I have already and will/might post updates on additional rules (and features (ex. resources, challenge/prompts, metas) that have and may or may not make the cut) as necessary or when the need arises (or discussed/requested) in the future. Primarily, new regulations applies to: community promotions, metas, and other sections that I have not yet sorted out nor posted. For updates, check my entries that are tagged 'mod post', 'guidelines', and 'rules' and see the mini-bio. section of the userinfo./profile page from time to time. (I'll try my best not to bogg everyone down with existing and potential new rules. It just seems like there might be alot for I'm considering a variety of features (that I mentioned earlier) that may or may not have their own set.) To wrap this up and address the banning issue, if the guidelines I put forth are repeatedly violated or members/visitors cause problems, I'll talk to them and assess the matter from there.

[Rules] Starfleet Regulation:

Manners: Please treat everyone and their work that they post here with respect. (No flaming.)

Posts: Submit your own work. Please don't plagiarise. (For now, no fic recs. Maybe in the future...) No double posting (which is mainly directed at community promos). For stories, comic fic-art, (and possibly metas), keep the header visible and put the rest behind an LJ-Cut if you're posting directly to the community and not simply providing a link back to wherever you have submitted your piece. (With comic strips, you may provide a 'preview' (thumbnail) above the cut and then the full image within' if you wish.)

Can't Post: Fanart (except comic fic-art and banners for community promotions), graphics/icons, fanmixes, videos, and picspams. (Exceptions for fanart and images: if it's relevant and posted along with the story entry.) With fic challenge communities, please don't advertise new, individual challenges/prompts; just advertise the entire site once. I apologize, but stories of the RPF (Real People Fiction) variety will not be allowed. ( See this entry for explanation/details on that rule.)

Labeling: Clearly title entries (start w/ 'Fic', 'Comic', or other, then title of piece) and comments in the subject line where required and as necessary. Make sure whichever type, size, and color font you use is legilible. (The way I title my entries, namely the mod posts and non-story ones, that start like 'Captain's Log' and end with a stardate is not a requirement. I'm just having fun!)

- Story and comic fic-art headers should look like this (within' the entry, not the subject line):

Author / Artist: - (Note: 'Artist' included when posting comic-fic art)
Genre/Theme(s): *
Character(s): *
Pairings(s): *
Setting/Spoiler(s): *
Completion: *
Author's Note(s): *

* = (Optional for there are/will be tags for these areas. Except the last one.)

Grammar: Apply proper spelling, no short hand, in your headers and (subject line) entry titles.

Tags: Use the tags that are available on this list so far. (As for those that don't exist yet, go ahead and post your piece, then go back, edit, and add the tags when they are available.) If you would like to make any suggestions for some, please drop by this entry and we can discuss that. When posting a story (or comic fic-art), please follow the guidelines for the tagging system.

Non-Story Entries/Ads: (Advertisements such as community promotions and perhapes links/resources as well.) Follow the rules that are already given in this entry and check from time to time, the entries tagged with 'guidelines' and 'rules' for updates. (Regulation for: metas, promos, and such will be sorted out in the future.)

Non-Members/Readers: Please follow the rules just like any member and writer here. (Feel free to leave comments, suggestions, feedback, and join in any discussions. I would like to hear from you and see anyone contribute.)

Contact Me: It would be much appreciated if you don't try to reach me through my personal livejournal. If you have questions or need help, drop me a line at any of the mod posts and guideline entries. (The main inquiry and feedback entry can be found here.)

[Navigation] Important Departments: (memo to self: my conclusion/intro self-bit - use original/revise?)

(ENTRY: WORK IN PROGRESS! EDITING. - Final touches. No major changes. - 3:49 AM)

introduction, mod post, rules, guidelines

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