[Transporter Room] Introductions [Stardate: 090909.2]

Sep 09, 2009 04:52

This 'transporter room' (entry) is a place for all new members to introduce themselves, meet, and fill out the 'little' survey below. I know! The survey is by no means 'little'. You don't have to answer all the questions or sections. Just what you feel like doing and get around to now or can do later. The reason I asked so many and the kinds I did for I wanted to get a good idea about your thoughts on the film, what kind of stories you like, also may help to point out to users who is knowledgeable about the Star Trek franchise, and in case I may need help running this site someday. On the latter, not sure if that'll happen, but good to know! By the way, if you would like to, you may include information about yourself. For example, your name, where you're from, and so on.
(Reminder: Please see the prior entry about the rules and guidelines. Keep those in mind!):

About the Film:
1. When and how did you first hear about the film?
2. What got you interested to go see it?
3. How many times have you seen it?
4. What would you grade or rate it?
5. Favorite characters/actors?
6. Favorite scene(s)?
7. Favorite line/quote(s)?
8. Favorite elements/aspects of the film?
9. Who is the hottest?
10. Who would you pair?
12. What didn't you like about the film (character, scene, line, aspect)?
13. Are you familiar with J.J. Abrams' work (seen, not just heard about?)
14. Are you familiar with the Star Trek franchise/any of the shows or films?
15. Were you a fan of any of those in Question 10? Before or after viewing XI?
16. Do you consider yourself knowledge about them (F/TV from 10 + 11)?
17. Have you never heard of (and/or) got into Star Trek until XI?
18. What would you like to see in the 2011 sequel?
(19. From TOS and/or XI, which character do you most resemble and why?)

About the Fanfiction:
1. Do you write your own fanfiction?
2. If yes to 1., what kind of stories do you like to write?
3. Continuing from 1-2, any characters you like to use the most?
4. What kind of stories do you like to read?
5. Which characters do you like to read most about?
6. Do you have and whose your pairing?


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