S. P. O of the year.....

Mar 08, 2016 18:44

Okay, this moron who just moved in to my neighborhood deserves to be named S. P. O of the year! Several neighbors, including me, have politely requested that the owner walk his dog on a leash or, at least, train his dog, a German Shepherd, to walk by his side and to follow the recall command. So far he has only cursed us out, telling us to mind our own business, and refuses to do anything for his dog. Finally a neighbor, named Mrs. B, stepped forward, explaining to him that her dog, a Miniature Schnauzer, escaped from the backyard and was hit by a car and then explained that his dog's chances of getting hit and killed by a car are very high. Especially since the owner throws a ball into the middle of the street for the dog to chase. Everyone has suggested that, since there is a dog park nearby, perhaps he could take his dog to the dog park and play with him there. However, once again, the idiot has refused this offer. When I explained that his dog has a high chance of getting hit and/or killed, his attitude really angered me. He stated that his dog was just a dog and that if his current dog died, he would just get another one. I asked if he would do the same with a child and he said yes. Then, a RESPONSIBLE pet owner and neighbor literally lost it, yelling at the a**hole and telling him that he should never own a dog or have a child (unfortunately he and his wife have four kids with another on the way). She, the neighbor, assured me that if his dog got loose or she saw this again, she would call the Humane Society on him. I told my parents this and they told me that when the next H.O.A (Home Owners Association) meeting rolls around, they would bring this concern to the table. Hopefully this gets resolved and quickly.
Rebecca M.

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