I recommend
neonhummingbird's Buffyverse
fanfiction. I recognize that this is exceedingly late, from one perspective, but I only just began reading it this past weekend -- what? I wasn't even watching back then! -- so I'm claiming great promptness. Especially treat yourself to:
- "To Let You Go"
(angst, adventure, plot, development, canon-diverges-here; Willow, Angel, Buffy, Xander)
- "Toy Soldiers"
(between-the-scenes via the Watcher's diary, canon-rich; Giles with each student in turn, Wesley frame)
- "techsupport@demons.com"
(humor, adventure, plot, epistolary; L.A. to Sunnydale and back, with all concerned)
Note to F-List: By all means, rec your own stuff to me! Silly brilliant people not blowing their own piccolos...