pump weights

Jun 26, 2010 20:41

warmup: 7kg
squats: 15kg
chest: 10kg
back: 12kg
triceps: 2kg hand pushbacks/9kg bar/5kg overhead/1 pushup on feet
lunges: 0kg
biceps: 7kgs
shoulders: 3kg handweights/5kg bar/2 pushups on feet

hoping to build all this. a lot. especially lunges because its seriously sad that i haven't been able to do a full lunges track without a break, i think my legs are really weak. i might start each day off with 40 lunges (20/leg) to try and build them up because its embarassing in class.

today has been okay. i might be addicted to coffee, not surprising i guess since i'm a barista but seriously, never thought it would get this bad. work is... work is blegh, i'm not even gonna talk about work on here. it would take pages and pages of web to describe how i feel about that place, its such a rollercoster.

mmmmm fresh.


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