The weekend that wasn't

Dec 11, 2006 16:13

Let's see. I managed to do nothing but "lounge" around all weekend, popping all kinds of yummy prescription-only pharmaceuticals. I missed El Vez with artemiswinter. I missed the Hawks killing the Oilers (and I mean "slaughter"!!) with girlvii. I'm very sorry, ladies. I didn't get any cleaning done as I needed. I'm about a week behind in getting all of my holiday shopping, cleaning, baking, writing, mailing, etc. done. Needless to say, this was the worst weekend for me to wake up to scream inducing pain on a Saturday morn. The lovely doctors and nurses in the ER have no idea what really caused my back/neck/shoulders to spasm and freeze up. I haven't lifted or moved anything heavy. I haven't been doing any wacky yoga/pilates moves. I could have given my muscles a "cold". I'm thinking it's aging. Getting old sucks.  So, not knowing what I did to myself, they sent me off in my weird hunch-backed state with a bag full of some lovely muscle relaxants.  Yeehaaa!!!  I <3 me some better living through modern chemistry! These pills rock something fierce. I spent the better part of the weekend on my couch, moving as little as possible. Not that it would have mattered: I was in a near-vegetative, drooling-on-self state thanks to the meds. Oy! It's going to be a busy week because I have to make up for two lost days of nothingness.

Oh, and to add insult to injury, I was out of the office on Friday, the day we did our Secret Santa selection. I came back today to find my "victim's" name and requests on my desk. Get this: I GOT MYSELF FOR SECRET SANTA!  Which is kinda nice as it gives me a chance to get exactly what I want. Still, it would have been great to get what I wanted WITH an element of surprise. Geez.


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