Nac Nac Feegle!

Mar 24, 2007 23:25

First Year Creative Writing Day: Around one hundred 11 to 12 year old boys dress up as characters out of literary pieces. Although originally cancelled due to a feeble amount of snow, the day was rescheduled to yesterday. Debate was sparked as to whether it was really safe to let the 1st years wander around with plastic swords ("I know they're plastic, but those children are wily and cunning! They'll come up with fiendish plans to take over the school! We must protect the sixth form centre!!!") or whether they were cold in pyjamas (several Arthur Dents just couldn't summon up the energy to get dressed that morning). However, although the rest of the school was fairly safe, the library looked as though a sorcerer of sorts had cast a spell to bring the characters from the books to life. To many of the Sixth Form Terry Pratchett fans' in the  delight,  a red-haired, kilt-bearing blue first year had arrived!

The Nac Mac Feegle have come!!!!

It was a welcome piece of interest and amusement in what has been a hard week. Chemistry Coursework has been awful, I seem to have been doing things every day after school with hardly any breaks and one of my relatives had surgery preformed on them. I am thoroughly worn out now and I shall enjoy at least the morning tomorrow trying to catch up on some sleep before having to start work, once again, on Chemistry. Thank goodness its near the end of term!
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