The Return of me

Mar 09, 2007 18:27


I have returned from over the brink, and am hoping to get my journal properly alive. *applies huge charge of electricity - nothing happens*

Oh well... I'll try again later

So, recent news. I'm afraid that all my latest dealings have been lost behind the incredible day I had yesterday. In the morning I got my AS level module results, and got 2 As! I was, obviously, very pleased with this, as I only took two modules. So, after spending a happy day feeling pleased with myself I attended an after school lecture By Dr Jack Cohen, a reproductive biologist who worked with Pratchett on The Science of Discworld books! After an entertaining lecture (in which I had great fun acting as publicator and feeling official) we, that is me and my friend Anthony, engaged in a conversation with Dr Cohen and were then, to our great delight, invited out to dinner with him and some teachers! I am trying to think of how to describe the evening but all I can really think to say is this: it was fun, entertaining and unbelievably interesting. We also discovered that Dr Cohen is indeed a very nice person.

Anywho I have been told by the same friend Anthony that I must post some of the odd stories I wrote after I finished work in our School Publications team. I have selected a few on Anthony *glares in his direction*. He did ask me to post them, so he has no case against this *continues to glare*.

Right, well here's the first esteemed story in my collection:

Anthony's tragic story:
Each week my computer asks me to mount (a person) and each week I say yes!

Anthony's other tragic story:
I wished to purchase some chocolate, but on arriving at the market place the shelves were bare, and I learnt that St Albans was gripped in the claws of a case of severe chocolate deficit.

Anthony's next tragic story in his series of tragic stories:
Alas I have ten toes!

Next I shall tell two stories on Michael the publicator, I hope these entertain you briefly!

Michael's tragic story:
Alas, it doth rain, and I hath worn my good suit today! The heavens are crying for me.

Michael's second tragic story:
Aah I am undone! My story is unable to be published in rainbow colours, and so I must suffer it to be published simply in pink.

And that concludes my latest journal entry. I hope someone finds these amusing! In the words of the ever illuminating Neil Gaiman: I enjoyed writing these stories, and hope that they, in turn, appreciate being read.
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