Feb 05, 2009 15:56

Do you know how irritating it is to sing the same song over and over again and still can't get the right feel that you want in it? I've been trying to dub Shugo Chara Egg's 「みんなのたまご」 but ugh. Audacity is total fail. FAIIIILLLLL. /rant goes on
I have no problem singing the song. My problem is the timing. When I start recording, I'm in sync with the song but once I listen to what I've recorded, the instrumental is ahead by idk, .001 something seconds. AAAAAAAAA /headdesk. I give up. D|
I'll just wait for Momo's and Miya's lines to be recorded before I record mine. asdfgh

LOL Ozine Fest. How many years have I been attending it? Since 2005. So that makes it uh... my 5th time this year. Owo Awesome. I wonder if I'll see RCC people there. /excited

Matsuura Aya's 「100回のKISS」 is still stuck in my head. What'sですよ?! And I keep dreaming about the same people every night---morning. S-Shut up. I can't sleep. =___=;;

Oh that's right! |D Today is February 5th, yes? It's Parents' Interviews and Parents' Open Day for Juniors and Seniors at CIS. That dork. I wonder if his dad came. o.o
AAAAA The radio show. I wonder if he'll still be hosting next next week. |D;;; There's the ski trip, after all.

I wasn't able to watch Hyakushiki last Wednesday. He even mentioned it on the radio too baaawww ;A; KeyHole is fail. Just when I finally remembered to watch, it wouldn't work. How could you, KeyHole, how could you? D: I'll just download the episode when links are up.

Prz to be shutting up when your opinion isn't being asked. 8D That's all.

Someone cosplay Shugo Chara Egg! with me. D| I wanna cosplay Kanon's character. A-And I practiced the dance too. XDD;;;

I think I have enough money to buy the HSJ calendar, Myojo mag for March, pay my Winter Con orders, and that gift I'm supposed to give someone. I don't know if I'll buy the new single. It depends. It's the PV I'm after....and the making....and whoever's getting solo lines. |D Yes, this is me being biased. Just like how I was during last Sunday's Shokura.

I'm gonna go ice skating with Yeca, Djam, and my sis next week aaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! /excited @w@ I'll be staying at the side kthnx.

Finished Hitsuzen's 2nd chapter. Will be posting it later. Or tomorrow. Or whenever I feel like posting it. KYOUDAIBOUKEN EPISODE 4 WHERE BE YOU. D| I MISS FUYUKI. AND HARUMI. A-And Natsuki, I guess. |D;;; *shot*

...I've ran out of strawberry milk. ;A; I need to buy more. Horumoooonnnn buy some! *bricked*

Anyway, by next week, I might not be active here in LJ. Or anywhere else. Or something. @__@ Um. My grandma's coming and...well, let's just say she's kinda strict. TT__TT B-Baaaawww... I'll miss my f-list. My LJ. My stuff. My icons. My header asdffgh. But I'll still be posting the radio shows. XDv Don't worry.

I wonder if I should go to UST tomorrow. ...................I guess I'll just sleep. @___@;;

Well, Ciao.

da zhuangqiu, dork, lol, horumon in mini mini bike, calendar and its wonders ftw, kyoudaiouken, faaaaaaiiiilllllllll, aaaaaaa, what's desu yo, asdfghkjklgfsda, what's., rin should stfu, lalalalalalalalaaaaa, strawberry milk, fandom and it's wonders, i can has long tags if i want

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