Ideals List

Dec 04, 2023 23:54

My current assignment from my sponsor is to write out my list of things I want in an ideal partner. I did this once before. I had a bad feeling back then when doing it. As if I knew that the person I was with then would never live up to them. That's not the purpose of the ideals list anyway, but still. I don't know how I feel about this one. I think I will just do my best to be honest, and not try to think of a particular person.

Dragon came over yesterday. It was really fun seeing him. Then I went to see my sponsor. Her baby came up to me and totally used me to get to the things on the counter. It was really funny. Poor Abby is teething. All of them are coming in at once, so she's in a lot of pain. She kept pointing at my breasts when I was holding her. I had to tell her she was out of luck, I am not lactating. She wanted to comfort nurse.

Asher was texting me earlier, and they can't come to my work holiday party. That's a bummer. I will see if anyone else can come. Maybe Suzie will be down to be my plus one. I don't know what to bring gor the white elephant gift exchange. Probably something I already own. It's an opportunity to get rid of something.

step work, sponsor, relationships, work, love

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