In case anyone was wondering, when you own a business, you don't get sick days. If any one calls in sick, you cover the shift even if you're "too sick to work" leaving to see your dying grandmother is no excuse in the world of business, and the world doesn't stop if you get depressed or lonely
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Comments 8
All good advice.
The whole point of the shop was to improve my overall happiness. to be honest I like and respect myself way more now than I did a year ago.
I am pretty lonely though.
I do take Sundays off, but i also refuse social obligations as well onthis day, takign time to sleep, bathe, pet cats and catch up on house work. A sond day off would allow me to socialize and compose music which would facilitate my first love which is performing.
This flower shop is my stepping stone to affording my music/travel habit. =)
And YES work to make time for music! I'm not sure if I ever heard any of your work?
I wasn't the owner, but I was the 2nd key to a couple of indie music retail gigs and wanted to see the store succeed in a similar way: if only to make sure good music was available that you couldn't get anywhere else at the time.
You're smart to lose sleep for the gym. Running 10km two or three times a week is one of the things that held me together this term with the stress, and my health. When I didn't do it, I became sluggish and fell behind. Trading sleep for run times was a trade off that paid off.
I'm not disgruntled to not see you or have you reply... but will cherish any time we have together more because I can empathize what your time is worth to you now.
Take care. Je t'aime.
Doing circuit training at the gym also helps me sleep better. If you're getting 4 hrs a night, and are looking at a trade off down to 3 - it may not be so productive. You should also try melatonin for sleep. If you're not getting enough, melatonin can help insure the sleep you're getting is sound.
I'm in Vancouver this weekend (Dec 19) - so I'll give you a call or drop by the shop.
In my mind, it just means you can come and go as you please and make other people do the hard work. :)
Obviously that's not really the case. Who knew!
Good for you for keeping your priorities straight. But do make time for the odd fun thing here or there or you'll burn the hell out!
Maybe look for interesting events down the road...pick something once a month to go to. A gallery opening or a favourite restaurant or a performance or something. Just one day a month. Even just a couple of hours on that day. Something to look forward to. :)
You give good advice!! I will fit in soem fun now and then. =)
I have been doing a bit of yoga and some improv jamming with soem music buddies of mine...
When the shop makes money I will come and go as I please but the floral industry is taking a hit right now and as owner I have to pick up the slack. =)
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