In case anyone was wondering, when you own a business, you don't get sick days. If any one calls in sick, you cover the shift even if you're "too sick to work" leaving to see your dying grandmother is no excuse in the world of business, and the world doesn't stop if you get depressed or lonely
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Just remember one thing. Plan time to improve your own happiness. I know a few people around me who are their own boss and every now and then they forget they don't live just to finish things before deadlines expire and do more more more. Take time to take care of yourself. If you love running after deadlines and it gives you a kick, by all means do it. But if it is making you an unhappy, stressed, angry person, it's time to evaluate what's going wrong.
A friend of mine who has a small one-man web design company NEVER EVER works on Sunday. Not cause he's religious, but cause that's time for him to do whatever he wants. Sleep 'till 12, go to a museum, meet up with friends or party the evening before. He plans vacations and organises his contacts with clients so that if he has a week off from work, there really is no work to be done for at least a week or at least there's plenty of time after that week to make deadlines. Once you're your own boss, people tend to work whenever it suits them. But after a while, for some people, it means they work all the time.
In other words: do what you love! If this is it: good for you and carry on!
All good advice.
The whole point of the shop was to improve my overall happiness. to be honest I like and respect myself way more now than I did a year ago.
I am pretty lonely though.
I do take Sundays off, but i also refuse social obligations as well onthis day, takign time to sleep, bathe, pet cats and catch up on house work. A sond day off would allow me to socialize and compose music which would facilitate my first love which is performing.
This flower shop is my stepping stone to affording my music/travel habit. =)
And YES work to make time for music! I'm not sure if I ever heard any of your work?
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