Bridge Between Worlds (4/5) - SPN/SV/HL

Jan 26, 2009 14:53

Title: Bridge Between Worlds (4/5)
Author: strangevisitor7
Beta: Divas_Lament
Rated: G
Fandom: Supernatural, Smallville & Highlander
Characters: From The Immortal!Dean Universe: JD Winchester, Richie Ryan, Mule Winchester, Dean Winchester & Chloe Sullivan.
From Divas_Lament’s Universe: Holly Winchester, Andrew Winchester
Prompt: #76 sun for crossovers100 my table is here
Disclaimer: The characters you know and love all belong to their respective creators. JD is mine and Holly is Divas_Lament’s.

Summary Chloe meets the spawn and her world will never be the same

A/N: The rest of the Great Spawn Crossover AU can be found here.

A/N2: Other spawn adventures in the Immortal!Dean Universe can be found here. And Divas-Lament’s Holly Winchester stories can be found here.

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Bridge Between Worlds: Chapter 4

Chloe looked up at the knock on her door frame and felt a lump rise in her throat. There were two teenagers standing there but it was the boy in the leather jacket that made her do a double take. He dressed just like Dean and looked enough like him that she was sure he was a Winchester; more specifically, one of Sam’s many boys. The blond girl with him must be his girlfriend, though there was something equally familiar about her as well.

Putting on a congenial smile she said, “I thought Clark said there were three of you?”

And the third better not be Dean, she thought silently.

The teens looked around and then out into the hallway. The boy stepped back out of the door and she could see him grabbing someone by the arm, pulling him into her office.

“Richie!” She was on her feet and glaring at him. “What the hell is going on?”

“Hey, Chloe,” he said sheepishly and sent her a little wave. “It’s good to see you, too.”

Without a word, she circled her desk. Maneuvering past the trio she shut the door hastily, taking the opportunity to glare icily at Richie once more.

“Guess you were right about her being angry,” the dark haired boy smirked, and it was a very familiar smirk. He held out his hand to her. “JD Winchester, it’s a pleasure to meet you ma’am and this is Holly.”

“JD?” She recognized the name of Sam’s eldest. She shook his hand as she studied the teen who topped six feet. “Excuse me,” she said as she pulled Richie over to the corner of her office.

“What are they doing here?” She hissed. “And does Dean know?”

“Chloe, I can explain. We can explain.” Richie looked like he wanted to be anywhere but there.

“Does Dean know?” She repeated, her hands on her hips, her stance combative.

Richie leaned closer and whispered. “Your meta abilities are still a secret and neither Sam nor Dean know we’re here.” Drawing back he added. “I really am glad to see you. You look great; the gray in the hair is a nice touch.”

Her demeanor softened and she smiled, the two of them sharing the private joke. “Age will do that,” she said as she reached up to smooth her hair. “I’m glad to see you, too.” She drew him into a quick hug. Richie had been a true confidant over the years and he’d kept her informed of the comings and goings of the Winchester clan.

Richie finally smiled and looked more relaxed. “I’m sorry about the surprise but I figured you’d find a way to avoid me if you knew I was bringing a couple of Winchester spawn along.”

“You’re not wrong and I did try, but it seems Clark didn’t know who he was dealing with.” Chloe laughed and then stilled. “Wait. Did you say a couple - as in more than one?” She turned to look at the teens who had tried to make themselves invisible in the opposite corner.

Sensing Chloe’s scrutiny the blond looked up.

“Who are you?”

“Holly Winchester,” the girl answered.

“Winchester?” Chloe looked over at Richie. “I thought Sam only had boys.” Then she whirled back to look at the teens. “You two aren’t married, are you? Is that what this is about? Richie is helping you elope or something?”

“!” JD sputtered. “No, no Holly’s my cousin. Geez, why does no one get that?” he mumbled as Holly just laughed. He looked over at Holly in disgust. “I’m glad you always seem to find it funny.”

“Ok, now I’m confused,” Chloe said. “Is there a Winchester brother I’m unaware of?”

“Well, you see there’s kind of a funny story about that,” Richie started to explain. “And part of the reason we’re here.”

“Dean’s my dad,” Holly blurted out.

Chloe blinked and then sagged back against her desk. “Dean has a daughter,” she said softly. He’d gotten married somewhere along the way and adopted this pretty blond girl. Richie had never told her. Why hadn’t he told her and why bring them here now?

“Way to be subtle, Hol,” JD chastised her.

“I didn’t mean to upset her,” Holly said. “But see? It proves she still cares.” The two teens were looking at her like they had discovered some magic treasure.

Richie shushed JD and Holly before settling against the desk next to Chloe. “No, your Dean did not get married and have a daughter,” he said as if sensing her inner monologue.

“My Dean?”

“It’s a long story but the gist of it is that Holly comes from another reality. She and JD are cousins because in that reality Dean is her dad.”

“Then he’s not- ” She looked at Richie.

“Immortal?” Holly supplied. “Nope, he’s just a regular guy. Well, a regular guy who hunts the supernatural while being married with kids.”

“You know about all that?”

“You mean Immortality?” JD asked. “I’ve known my uncles Dean, Richie and Duncan were immortal since I was thirteen. And Holly found out when we realized that Uncle Dean wasn’t Immortal in her world.”

“So, your mom, what does she do? Is she a hunter too?”

“She’s involved with the JLA,” Holly said cryptically.

Chloe stood and walked over to the girl, really studying her face. She was starting to put the pieces together and she was very uncomfortable with the conclusions she was making. “Who is she?” she asked but afraid that she already knew the answer.

Holly smiled and it was such a familiar smile. “My mom is- ” she hesitated to finish, the smile turning into a frown as she seemed to reconsider whatever it was she was about to say. “I mean in my universe Dean Winchester is married- …” Holly bit her lip, turning towards JD. “Maybe this was a bad idea.”

“To me. I’m you’re mother in that reality.” Chloe had known it from the moment Holly had identified herself as coming from another reality. It was the only reason for them to be here.

“I knew you’d know me no matter the universe,” she said joyfully as she grabbed Chloe into a hug and Chloe found herself hugging back. This girl was genetically her daughter; a daughter, which in this reality, she’d never be able to have; a daughter with Dean. She found that she was enjoying this hug very much.

Holly pulled back and there were unshed tears in both women’s eyes. “It’s my fault we’re here. I just never learned to keep my nose out of other people’s business and when I heard that you and Dad, well…not you and Dad, but you know what I mean… weren’t together in this universe I had to do something. And when I met this reality’s Dean he kind of had what looked like a mini-stroke or something when he found out who my parents are - not in a bad way or anything and…well, I just thought that if it works for my parents, it might work for you guys, too.”

Richie came up behind Chloe and laid a hand on her shoulder. “The kid was very persuasive. She was adamant that you and Dean belonged together.”

“Adamant?” Chloe laughed. “And you thought you’d road trip them here to convince me to go back to Washington?” Funny, she thought, Clark was right. They were here to kidnap her.

“Don’t be mad at Uncle Richie,” JD added. “We talked him into it. It was the only way I could convince my dad I could hunt without Uncle Dean. And we just thought you should know - about Holly and Andrew that is.”


“My ‘too smart for his own good’ older brother.”

“I am overwhelmed,” she admitted. She didn’t know what to think and she knew that she needed some time to sort everything out. Did she want to put aside her fears for the Immortal community and see Dean again? Or was all of that just an excuse? If she was being honest with herself, she would have to admit that she still thought about Dean - that she still wished he would have chased after her or that she had had the guts to go back to him. But then, honesty was overrated.

“I know it’s a lot to take in,” Richie said. “We should go. Give you some time to digest it all and then come back tomorrow.” He started to guide JD and Holly out of the office.

“No wait, Richie.” She grabbed his hand and pulled him to her side. “We need to talk.” Then addressing the teens, she added. “Do you think you two can find something to keep you occupied while I catch up with an old friend?”

“No problem, I’ve got the Impala,” JD explained. “And Holly knows the town. We’ll be fine.”

Chloe blinked in surprise. “Dean let you drive the Impala all the way to Kansas?”

JD smirked. “No, different Impala. This one’s mine.”

Richie leaned over and whispered in Chloe’s ear. “We call JD mini-Dean.”


“Cut that out,” JD snapped defensively. “It’s a choice.”

Chloe smiled at him. “Dean must be a great uncle for you to want to take after him so much. I’m guessing you hunt?”

JD nodded. “He’s the best. No offense, Uncle Richie, because you’re great too but I mean -”

Richie cuffed him on the back of the head. “Just shut up, will ya?”

“Right, we’ll see you back at the hotel tonight.” JD smiled and dragged Holly out of the room.


“What do you think they are talking about?” JD asked. He was lounging on one of the motel room beds while Holly was stretched out on the other.

“Dean, of course. She’s pumping Richie for information. Proof that Dean still loves her.”

“Makes sense.” He turned his attention back to the MacGyver rerun on the crappy motel TV.

“I don’t feel so good,” Holly said and bolted for the bathroom.

JD followed and could hear her dry heaving on the other side of the door. “I told you that Mexican place did not look good,” he teased.

“Shut up, JD!” She croaked out.

He heard the water come on, and then the door was opened. Holly looked positively green. JD flung an arm around her waist and practically carried her to the bed. “You’re shaking but you don’t feel like you have a fever.” He helped her lie down and covered her with a blanket. “Maybe it’s food poisoning.”

A violent shiver raked through her and she moaned in pain. Moments later, the tremor passed and her breathing evened out.

“You ok?” he asked as he settled across from her on the other bed.

She blinked and sat up as if nothing had happened. “That wasn’t right, JD.” She stared at him and he could see the panic in her eyes. “That didn’t feel natural.”

“Not natural how?” JD asked.

“It was like a seizure and now it’s gone. I feel fine.”

She did look better, the faint green tint he’d noticed not two minutes before was gone. “I hate to point this out but it’s been a week since you came through the mirror.” He shrugged. “This is the longest you’ve ever stayed in my reality.”

Holly’s eyes went wide. “That seems crazy, JD. Maybe it’s just a stomach ache?”

“Ok then, how do you feel? Do you want me to go get some Pepto?”

She swung her legs off the side of the bed and placed a hand on her stomach, as if taking an internal inventory. “I feel fine. No nausea or headache.”

Holly looked over at him and JD could sympathize with the fear he saw. He would never admit it but he was scared too. He moved to sit next to her and grasped her hand. “We have to get you back just to be safe. Heck, it could simply be an odd reaction to a flu bug you don’t have in your reality.”

“You’re right,” Holly said. “It’s probably nothing but I should go home.”

“If we drive straight through it’s about thirty hours. That means no bathroom breaks.” He teased and bumped shoulders with her.

She didn’t smile. “What if it is some reaction to your reality and I don’t have that long?”

“Don’t say that.” He didn’t want to think about what might happen if they couldn’t get her home in time. JD pulled his cell phone out and called Richie. “We have a problem.”

JD explained what had happened and Richie assured him he’d be right there. Holly gestured for the phone.

“Please put Chloe on,” Holly said and waited as the phone was passed on.

“Are you ok?” Chloe asked and Holly was heartened to hear the concern in her voice.

“I’m not really sure but I don’t want to spend thirty hours in the Impala waiting to find out.”

“What can I do?”

Holly took a deep breath because she was about to break a big cardinal rule in the super hero community but this was an emergency. “Do you think you could ask Clark to take me back to Washington? Or if he’s not available, maybe Bart?”

Chloe laughed. “I shouldn’t be surprised those two exist in you’re world.”

“He is Uncle Clark to me,” Holly said.

“I guess he would be. Listen his office is down the hall. I’m not sure exactly what I’m going tell him but this is an emergency.”

“Thanks. I’ll be ready when he gets here.” Holly hung up the phone and handed it back to JD.

“I don’t understand. Does Clark have a plane he can take you in?”

Holly laughed. “Not exactly. Have you ever wanted to meet Superman?”

JD felt his jaw hit the floor. “Your Uncle Clark - that nerdy lookin’ guy you talked to at the Planet - is Superman.”


“That’s …That’s …” JD gave up and settled for staring at her.

“Why so surprised? Your uncle is immortal and so is mine.”

JD thought about that and realized it made perfect sense in the weird world of Winchester.

richie ryan, apoca!spawn, dean winchester, supernatural, sam(mule) winchester (oc), spawnfic, crossovers100, highlander, holly winchester, my fic, chloe sullivan, divaslament, smallville, jd winchester (oc)

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