Child Of My Heart (2/12) - Mag7/Highlander

Oct 01, 2008 14:54

Title: Child Of My Heart (2/12)
Author: strangevisitor7
Fandom: Magnificent 7 and Highlander
Beta: Much thanks to ithildyn
Prompt: #59 - Food for Crossovers100. My table is here
Rating: PG, Gen
Characters: HL: OFC Charlotte Sparrow; Mag7: Maude and Ezra Standish for now but the rest of the boys show up in the later chapters

Summary: Charlotte confronts Maude about how she’s raising Ezra.

A/N: Charlotte is an Immortal and an original character created by ithildyn. In Charlotte’s bio, Ith mentioned that she’d lived in New Mexico in the 1860’s, so it was obvious to me she knew the Mag7 boys. I have added the idea that she was Maude Standish’s teacher, longtime friend and one of those people Maude would occasionally ‘dump’ Ezra with. The rest of Charlotte’s stories can be found on ithildyn’s journal Here

Chapter List
Chapter 1; Chapter 2; Chapter 3; Chapter 4; Chapter 5; Chapter 6; Chapter 7; Chapter 8; Chapter 9; Chapter 10; Chapter 11; Epilogue

Child Of My Heart, Chapter 2
Richmond, Va - 1848

Charlotte smiled as she watched Ezra struggle with the wooden rolling pin. She had to keep herself from walking around the table to assist him in his task. The ten-year-old was standing on a stool, using all the strength his slight frame would allow to roll the pie crust flat.

He looked up at her as he stopped to catch his breath from the exertion. “Is that good?” he asked, uncertainty in his eyes.

“You’re doing wonderfully. You don’t need my help at all,” Charlotte assured him.

Smiling, he wiped a flour covered hand across his brow, leaving a white line of powder framing his green eyes. She had to stifle a laugh; the normally fastidious boy was covered in flour, his auburn hair streaked with white.

Ezra returned to his task and Charlotte busied herself with combining the ingredients for the pecan filling that was Ezra's favorite.

It had been almost two months since Maude had dropped him off this time, with no word on when she’d be by to pick him up again. Charlotte didn’t mind at all, she loved having him here, and there was a part of her that hoped Maude would never return.

When Maude had first started dropping Ezra off, he’d been sullen and distant. Regardless of what her former student felt for him, the boy loved her and believed her to be his mother, having no memory of life before Maude. It devastated Ezra to be left with barely an acknowledgment, no goodbye, and no word of when she’d return.

She’d caught him crying himself to sleep on more than one occasion during those visits, and it broke her heart that he put so much store by what Maude expected of him. He’d been embarrassed at his weakness and had begged her not to tell his mother that he had behaved in such a childish manner. Charlotte had been appalled that Maude was so hard on the boy, denying his need for simple human connections. She’d sat with him until he’d fallen asleep, his small body curled next to her wrapped safely in her embrace.

But everything had been different when Maude had left him this time. It had been nine months since his last short stay and Ezra was so happy to see her that it warmed her heart as she captured him in a hug of greeting.

Maude, on the other hand, was not as happy. Charlotte knew if Maude decided that she was a ‘bad’ influence on her darling boy that Ezra might find his way back into the care of some of Maude’s less than savory friends.

When Maude made her escape, Ezra had barely noticed, already involved in moving back into the room Charlotte had set aside for him years ago. He’d gone around the room cataloging all the toys and books that she’d bought him over the years, making sure everything was where it was supposed to be. His joy at seeing that his place in her home was still the same was magical.

There had been no tears that first night, a welcome change. Instead, Charlotte had sat with Ezra as he read to her until the yawns over took him. She had ruffled his hair and kissed him goodnight. The angelic smile on his face from such simple attentions almost broke her heart.

Now, as she watched him finish with his baking endeavors, she knew without a doubt that she was a good influence on him. The nomadic life was no life; Ezra deserved better. When Maude returned, Charlotte decided it might be time to take charge of the situation instead of being a passive participant. She was going to insist that she be the one to finish raising Ezra.


After four months, his mother was back. Ezra had dutifully greeted her and then hurried upstairs to pack his things.

Coming back down the steps, Ezra was surprised to hear his mother and cousin discussing him. He stopped, not knowing what he should do. Cousin Charlotte would say that eavesdropping was poor manners, but his mother would approve if such action gave him a definitive advantage in a situation.

Since he was the topic of their discussion, Ezra decided it would be best to follow his mother’s advice. He settled on the steps to listen, watching them through the rails of the stairway. From this angle, he was sure that they could not see him.


“Maude, you can not use him this way. He’s just a little boy!” Charlotte wanted her to leave Ezra in Richmond but she’d let her emotions carry her into an argument with the other Immortal instead of the logical discussion she’d hoped to have.

“Ezra is my son, and while I appreciate you watching him, you have no right to dictate anything,” Maude insisted. “He understands his role in these situations.”

“He’s a bright little boy who deserves to have a stable home,” Charlotte countered. “Not a confidence man to be a partner in your schemes.”

Maude waved her hand dismissively. “It’s because he is smart that I am helping him develop his gifts for the game. I am giving him valuable skills that will assist him in the future.”

Charlotte’s eyes narrowed as she studied her student. “Confidence game or 'The Game'? Maude, please tell me you aren’t planning --”

“I don’t have to explain myself to you,” Maude interrupted. “But you must realize that I am simply preparing him for his birthright.”

“Birthright!” she scoffed. “It’s not an inevitability. I can offer him a home with schooling and friends. Can’t you see that is what he needs?”

“Don’t be naïve, Charlotte,” Maude snapped. “You know as well as I do it can happen anytime. Are you suggesting I leave him unprepared?”

“No, of course not! But can’t you just let him be a little boy?” Charlotte pleaded. “He doesn’t have to be training all the time. It’s your job to see that he is kept safe, I just want to help see that he lives as normal a life as possible for as long a time as possible.”

Maude stood, anger flashing in her eyes. “I resent the implication that I am not doing all that I can for Ezra. He will be what he is meant to be and he will be well prepared to accept it when it occurs. So, while I appreciate everything you’ve done for Ezra, I don’t see that it is in his best interest to continue to come here.”

Charlotte realized that she’d crossed a line. If she continued to push, Maude would take Ezra and disappear.

As much as it pained her to admit it, Ezra becoming an Immortal was a strong possibility. Years before, she’d found Maude in New Orleans, newly Immortal from a violent death in a con gone wrong. Charlotte knew that that kind of brutality could be visited on them at anytime in the life Maude chose to lead.

She’d hoped that allowing Ezra to have a normal childhood would guarantee he’d make it into adulthood before The Game claimed him. She had a bad feeling that Maude had some internal timetable that caused her to push Ezra so hard, and that scared her as much as some random act of violence. Sadly, Charlotte knew the best she could hope for was to provide Ezra a safe haven. It was time to admit defeat and back off from her desire to keep him with her.

“Please, Maude, I do want to help. You know I love Ezra as if he were my own son and --”

“And that is exactly the problem,” Maude interrupted. “You are trying to undermine me at every turn.”

Maude’s jealousy was an ugly thing and Charlotte knew she’d have to do something drastic to prove that she wasn’t trying to steal Ezra away.

Charlotte stood and crossed to the other woman. Grasping Maude’s hand with both of hers, she hoped Maude could hear the contrition in her voice.

“I am here for you and for Ezra,” she said quietly. “I’ll abide by your rules. I’ll even find a fencing teacher before his next visit, if that’s what it takes for you to understand that I don’t wish to come between you two.”

It was the truth. Ezra loved Maude, and Charlotte would never dream of destroying the faith he had in his mother, as misguided as she believed it to be. On the other hand, if Maude thought to someday turn Ezra herself, being killed by his own mother would destroy them both. Somehow, she needed Maude to see that preparation was one thing, but tampering with nature was something else entirely.

Maude smiled, victory in her eyes, as she squeezed Charlotte’s hand. “I actually do believe you mean it.”

The sound of Ezra descending the stairs interrupted any further discussion.

“Mother,” Ezra called. “I’m ready to go.”

Charlotte watched as he crossed to stand next to his mother. Something about the way he carried himself seemed off to Charlotte. He wouldn’t meet her eyes and kept his attention focused on Maude.

“At last,” Maude said as she released Charlotte’s hand to place it around her son’s shoulders. It was a sign of possession that Charlotte understood.

“I am so happy to be going, mother. While I am grateful for Cousin Charlotte’s hospitality, I am relieved to be joining you on our next adventure.” He smiled at his mother, continuing to act coldly toward Charlotte.

Then it dawned on Charlotte; he must have been listening. Ezra loved coming to visit her, he’d told her as much. He must have decided that showing her too much affection would upset his mother. An upset that would make Maude take him someplace else the next time she needed to leave him behind.

Maude looked triumphantly at her teacher. “I told you I know my son.”

“You were right, Maude,” Charlotte apologized, the lie an easy one to tell. “You know what’s best for him. I will always be here if you need me again.”

She saw Ezra relax slightly and only then did he meet her gaze, gratitude in his eyes.

“I shall consider your offer,” Maude said, still determined to punish Charlotte for her presumptions concerning Ezra.

“You always know what’s best,” Ezra said. “I agree that I should always be with you.”

Charlotte was trying not to smile as she listened to Ezra utilize the lessons of manipulation that Maude had taught him. She wondered if Maude realized that the student had mastered them well enough to fool the teacher.

Unaware of the silent communication between her son and her cousin, Maude believed herself to be the victor in this contest. “While I would love for you to be with me always, darling boy, I am sure there will be opportunities for you to visit your cousin in the future.”

“Of course, mother.” He let out an exaggerated sigh, but the twinkle in his eye told Charlotte they’d won the day.

Maude reached out to hug Charlotte. “I do hate it when we fight.”

“As do I,” Charlotte said as she returned the embrace.

Charlotte stepped back from Maude to look down at Ezra. She reached out to squeeze him on the shoulder.

“Thank you for your hospitality, Cousin Charlotte,” Ezra said.

“You’re welcome, and I look forward to your next visit,” she said as she ushered them to the door.

As mother and son walked down the street, Ezra turned to look back at Charlotte, sending her a small smile. She held his gaze and placed a hand to her heart. They shared a moment of acknowledgment for the game that had to be played with Maude to ensure he’d be back. Charlotte was relieved to know that she would still be part of his life.


mag7, charlotte sparrow (oc), aces immortal, ezra standish, crossovers100, highlander, my fic, ithildyn, maude standish

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