TV Addict Update - The New Season

Oct 02, 2008 12:41

I thought it was time to weigh in on the new television season now that most of the shows have returned. I am a TV addict and proud of it but have yet to find anything in the new season worth adding to my list! What new shows have grabbed your interest?

So let’s get started: Each Show has it's own cut in case of Spoilers.

I adored this show last year because really, Adam Baldwin as a bad as NSA agent, who doesn’t love that. The season premiere was terrific. They have given Chuck a reason to continue being the intersect by blowing up the new one. Well done showing how much Chuck really wants to get on with a normal life only to be pulled back in. I thought it was hilarious that Agent Casey was as interested in the Twinkie eating contest at the end as the rest of the Geeks. I also liked that they changed from that ridiculous Wiener Hut to a Yogurt shop that appears to have a secret weapons cache in the back room. All in all a good start and this cast really has terrific chemistry.

With three episodes underway, I have to say that the show as rediscovered what made it so great the first season. Sylar is back and now sort of working for the good guys. Noah is still the manipulator and I adore him. Not sure if I really believe Sylar is a Petrelli but it was a great twist. Still, how cold is Mrs. Petrelli giving him some to ‘eat’. Wondered why she gave him up and not Peter and Nathan. On top of that, I like that they introduced the idea that Sylar can’t help himself and has to kill to feed the need to collect powers. Claire is done being the damsel in distress and that’s fine by me - can’t wait to see where she goes. Nikki is dead long live Tracy and how may other clones out there. I never like Nikki’s character and while I’ll miss Micah, she needed to go and they came up with a terrific way to dump Nikki but keep Ali Larter. Hiro get’s a nemesis. Glad to see the Batman and Robin of the show, Hiro and Ando, back working together.

Oh show how I love thee!! I knew the team wouldn’t be apart for long - I predicted 3 episodes and they are back together in 2. Vance used Gibbs team to uncover a traitor but that traitor being Lee was a shocker. Can’t wait to see where that goes. Vance still can’t be trusted and that’s fine - a little tension is good for the show, not missing Jenny at all. It was great seeing Tony play Navy Cop on the carrier. It was so sweet the way Tony wanted to come home so bad like a little kid. The UST between him and Ziva was off the charts. I hope they keep it that way because it’s great. The team is back and I’m loving my show.

Missing Wilson!! House is a bigger bastard than ever and it’s starting to grate - He really does need Wilson to make him a tolerable human being. I do adore the PI - and he’s cute too. The chemistry between him and Cuddy is perfect and the fact that House is jealous is hilarious. Still don’t like the new team - really dislike Taube and 13. I know we can’t have Chase and Cameron back but I wish their replacements were better.

Bones: (missed last night episode - cable went out)
I loved, loved, loved when Zach came back, floppy hair and all. I’m one of the few who likes Sweets - I find him hilarious (He wanted to touch the brain[g]). The whole Coldplay exchange when He and Booth interrupted Bones dinner was brilliant. The fact that Zach confessed that he isn’t a murderer (just an accessory) makes me do a happy dance and hope for his return. I do like the rotating interns - really using that to great affect to show how socially awkward Brennan is and how odd the team is in general- we’ve gotten so used to her it was fun to be reminded. Loved it when she asked the last intern if he’d ever had sex with an older woman. What don’t I like - Angela and Hodgins break -up WHY!!! I still don’t understand how one minute they can be all hot and heavy and the next they simply walk away - don’t see it, don’t like it. Overall the show has gone a long way to win me back from the 'Zach is a cannibal' stupidity.

Supernatural: Happy Supernatural Day
What’s to say? Dean and Sam are hotter than ever. The whole good and evil story line rocks. Castiel is a brilliant character - the actor has done a great job capturing the other worldly feel to the angel. Bobby is awesome x ten. I mean Bobby - words fail at describing how great Bobby is!!

Yes I still watch and I think this season is already better than last. I miss Lex but lana is gone - so there’s an acceptable trade- off there. Now they MUST end the ridiculous Chloe/Jimmy engagement to really win me over. Green Arrow as a regular. Lois and Clark are finally working together. I have high hopes - let’s see how long it lasts.

Some thoughts on new shows:
Life On Mars: I love the BBC version and had no plans to watch the American one and then they cast Harvey Keitel as Gene Hunt. Brilliant does not begin to cover how much i like this choice - I felt Colm Meaney was badly cast Gene Hunt in the original American pilot. So while Harvey will have to go a long way to best Philip Glenister and I don't see Jason O'Mara being any where near as good as John Simm, I will be watching next Thursday for sure.

The Eleventh Hour: Didn’t like it when Patrick Stewart did it on the BBC so I won’t be watching this one

Fringe: Watched it twice - It felt like a low rent x-files. I'm done with it but Hubby likes it, so i may end up continuing to watch anyway.

True Blood: All this did was make me miss Moonlight which was a good Vampire show. This was just bad on every level.

The Mentalist: Haven’t seen it yet. It seems like a bad version of Psych without the cool Shawn and Gus banter. Though I adore Simon Baker and keep meaning to catch it Anybody have anything to say to recommend this?

Next time I'll cover the comedies

Already missing my summer shows Burn Notice, excellent finale, and Psych.

So what are your thoughts about the return of your favorite shows. Any new ones I should be watching?

bones, chuck (tv show), tv addict, supernatural, house, heroes, ncis, smallville

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