Is that a foot-long in your pocket, or... oh, you know the rest.

Nov 21, 2011 17:10

And now, you luckiest of souls, it is time for me to share mah wisdoms with the huddled masses. *solemnface* (Take note: they're only huddling because you've got to brace yourself for this kind of stuff.)

Appropriate response to being pulled over for distracted driving: Pull over immediately, apologize without sarcasm, accept your (likely reduced!) ticket with grace and dignity.

Inappropriate but understandable response: Pull over grudgingly, bitch and whine about legislation the entire time, snatch your (totally not reduced) ticket out of officer's hand with much grumbling and snarling.

'Wait, whut?' response: Pull over eventually after realizing that police cars are faster than your car. Attempt to hide your Subway sandwich in your crotch in hopes that the officer will assume he merely hallucinated that hoagie he saw you nomming while driving a moment earlier.

... Ladies and gentlemen, the human race! :D

courting disaster, clerkin'

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