
Mar 06, 2008 17:47

Tech support? Anyone?

If one were hypothetically downloading something that usually takes a little over two hours to load, and today it was estimating 13 hours 30 min of downloading time left, what is going wrong here???

It's been a very long day and I hate computers and GIVE ME MY FREAKING SHOW PLEASE DAMMIT! *is pathetic*

ETA: In my desperation, I rebooted the whole damn thing. *G* Now it tells me four hours. Significant improvement, that. (Damn technology, toying with my fragile emotions!)

ETA-point-two: Boring homework much improved by misreading 'a load of cannabis' as 'a load of cannibals'. Gosh, I didn't know you couldn't smuggle those over the border...

tech support!!!

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