Delayed reaction to Torchwood 2x09

Mar 07, 2008 22:05

Well, I think I’m just going to go ahead and blast my 4-bullet-point quota out of the water here, because that was excellent fun! Have I mentioned lately how much I love this insane little show?

So, at first it was the little things that made me happy… Ianto attempting a suspiciously Jack-esque style with his hair these days, the label on the box with Gwen’s new dress reading “The least we could do” (Aw!), the fact that I’ve been openly touting the Lone Ranger/Tonto thing since grade ten before I even knew what slash was…

And then there was brave beautiful Gwen, cold as ice with an automatic weapon in her wedding bouquet, and I could no longer understand how Gwen-haters even exist. Holy smokes. That was glorious. And I thought to myself, “It is not possible for me to love this show to a greater degree.”

But then there was Jack, the veritable pot calling the kettle conflicted, slinging around a gun the size of Texas and quipping and grinning and my gosh, if that didn’t induce flashbacks to DW!Jack… And I thought to myself, “Okay, now I have reached the height of my fangirly love.”

But then Owen had a corsage pinned to his tee-shirt and as much as I’ve been looking forward to seeing him in a suit again since ‘Combat’, that kind of made me want to fling myself at him. (Or possibly fling Ianto at him. Poor ol’ Ianto… I’ll probably end up shipping him with Myfanwy before long.)

But then! Oh my goodness, there was dancing. There are three things that will never ever fail to delight the hell out of me when it comes to slash: sex against a wall, neck biting, and slow dancing. I’m a girl of complex tastes, yo. So that’s it. Kaboom. Game over. Fannish love is officially off the charts.*

But then I rewound (C’mon, who didn’t!) and noticed Owen leaning against the bar in the background, just watching them with such intensity that Tosh turned around to see what he was looking at. And I made a noise that can only be transcribed as nrrrgh and bit off a piece of the pen lid I was nibbling on. Bwahahaha! This show is connected straight to my brain.

So despite shapeshifter!Jack inexplicably striking me as hilarious and making me giggle like a madwoman throughout that entire scene, I am well pleased. I had a bit of trepidation going into this one that there was potential for serious awkwardness, but I thought they pulled it off just fine.

* Ye gads, I'm just all about the qualifying footnotes lately, aren't I? I just figured I'd throw it out there that the dancing did not necessarily please me so because I thought that it proved or stood for anything. I'm going to choose to see it as a dance, not a metaphor. Yeah.

Anyone else have any squee or comments left? *g* I’m always a couple days behind the general reaction, dagnabbit!

fangirling, torchwood

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