RP Log with mrpublicity | 01 November 2009

Nov 21, 2009 12:31

[Follows THIS and THIS]

Aiden had stuck around in the birthing suite long enough to make sure the baby boy was okay when he was born. Soon after, however, he ducked out of the room. This wasn't his moment, it was James and Harri's. He was just there because he promised Harri he would be. He promised her he would be there to make sure she was okay. It was hard. Maybe one of the hardest moments of Aiden's life, to leave the room and leave her with a guy he knew that he now had to trust, no matter what. But when he left the room, Pat was standing there waiting for him with a proud smile on his face. Aiden swept his husband up into a squeezing embrace, knowing it was exactly what he needed right then. Pat knew this would be bittersweet for Aiden, in that for years he and Harri had planned to one day have a kid together if they never hooked up with anyone else. But fate intervened, and they had both fallen in love at the same time. Fate had a way of making things right, but in a way no one would anticipate.

Now Harri had been moved back to the Maternity Ward, and Aiden had spotted James up the hall on the phone with his brother nearby, no doubt breaking the news to some family members. It was odd to see. James hadn't stopped smiling the whole time after the birth, and Aiden saw for the first time just how bright James' face really was. There was no weight there, no misery, no pain. Watching it, Aiden realised how tortured James had probably been since coming into Harri's life, and the birth of his son had managed to strip all that away in just a few moments of his life. Aiden drew in a long breath and let it out slowly as he watched the father of his new godson for a few moments longer. He really hoped this was the man James let himself give Harri unconditionally now. She deserved it. They both did.

Aiden turned to Pat with a smile and then gave him a kiss before he stood up. If James was calling in the Aussie cavalry, Aiden might not have much of a chance to get Harri on her own. He just wanted to tell her he was proud of her. He knocked softly on the door to her room, taking in the sight of her nursing a bundle of blue blankets and staring down into it in awe. The baby hadn't been very big, but still healthy. That's all that mattered. "Hey," he greeted her softly, pressing his lips together in a small smile. He pointed over his shoulder. "I think I, uh, have misplaced my BFF. I last saw her in the birthing suite, blonde, really fucking dirty mouth, with a couple of pairs of recently severed balls in her possession. Have you seen her around? All I can seem to find in this place are chicks that look like they're made for motherhood. That can't be her. Not at all," he joked.

Harri nodded her head towards the door. "Think she's out in the hall wondering what the fuck she's got herself in for." She'd kept her voice low, her son no longer crying like he had for the first few hours of his life. The sound had threatened to break her heart as she was sure it would any mother. She also realised just how tiring it was about to be trying to look after the little bundle. She hadn't even considered the breast feeding side yet.

She gave Aiden a big smile. "I'm glad you're here, love. I'm glad you got to see it. I couldn't have done any of this without you, you know that right. Fuck the part where James was the sperm. I know what you were probably about to say. Just... seriously. I honestly could not be here if it wasn't for you. Come and meet him while he's looking all cute and soft."

"What was I probably going to say? My mind is completely blank. I'm innocent this time. The only reason I didn't choke him with the gas line in there was because the body would have gotten in the way of where I was standing," Aiden said with a small smirk as he went further into the room and came over to the bed. He was pretty sure it was a miracle he hadn't suffered a heart attack this week. He wasn't about to write it off completely. One more shock to the system and he was going to be hooked up to life support, for sure. When he was close enough, he stroked the baby's head, smiling. "He's gorgeous. I didn't expect anything less, love."

"Probably something about there needing to have been sex for the baby to be here. Or maybe just a turkey baster." Harri's eyes were back on her son, the enormity of it all starting to sink in. She was now going to be responsible for this little person. She was someone's dependent. They were entirely reliant on her for everything right now. She just didn't want to let him down. She didn't want to fail. "He really is, isn't he? Fuck being humble. I have a beautiful boy. And about you trying to kill James... we need to talk about that."

Aiden swept his fingers through his hair which was getting long and curly again. "Well, I would've gone IVF, but if you want to stick your kitchen utensil fetish, who am I to get in the way?" He stroked the baby's cheek and met Harri's eyes shaking his head. "Give me a break, love. I've had a really fucked up week. I did my best. He was being a prick. This is his first kid. He would have regretted it if he looked back and remembered he spent the whole birth being a dipstick."

Harri covered Aiden's hand with hers, making it so that they were both cradling Campbell and Harri had Aiden a little closer. "Well, I suppose IVF is slightly less uncomfortable. I could have just fed you viagra then knocked you out and had my way with your willy so you never would have known. And that's not what I'm talking about. He was being a fucking dipstick, but he was in shock. You should have seen him when my waters broke. I slapped him, so I'm not going to judge about you nearly killing him. It's just... we're going to try again. We're back together. At least, I'm assuming we are. There was the conversation, and the almost-sex, but Campbell here had other plans for how the night was going to end. I'd really appreciate it if once you've recovered from this week you could maybe just try and get along with the sperm. For me and Campbell." Harri's expression flickered, changing to one of concern. "How's Pat?"

Aiden leaned over and kissed the baby's head. "He's just on my side. Isn't that right, bub?" he murmured, but he was joking. He straightened back up with a small sigh. "Pat's good. Excited about being a godfather again. Listen, love... I've had some wake-up calls this week. Horrible ones, and amazing ones..." he began, still touching Campbell's little face. "It's just all given me a lot to think about. You two should be together for the baby, but only if it's right, okay? It's got to be right."

Harri smirked. "He's probably going to wind up with you wrapped around his little finger, so he's trying to win you over early." Her eyebrows went up and she looked at Aiden. "Yes, of course. I wouldn't do it if it wasn't right. I'm done being fucked the wrong way. I don't have the energy for it. I do love him, though. I think James had had some of those wake-up calls, he just wasn't always reacting to them the right way. I'm glad Pat's excited, I couldn't ask for a better godfather besides you. I still wish the two of you could experience this."

Aiden just made a small humming sound. "Wish away, love It's not going to happen," he told her with a small shrug. "This is as close to babies as I'm ever going to get. It's not like I ever banked on it anyway. My ship sailed there. At least you know we'll be around for babysitting." He kept his tone light. Too much would threaten to claw up inside him if he didn't. He was happy Harri had a healthy baby boy and that she could start a family of her own. Nothing was going to change that.

"Do you want to take him?" Harri asked. James and Aiden were the only two she would willingly let hold Campbell at the moment. She even struggled not to be a bitch when one of the nurses took him. She was already possessive of her little boy. "Believe me, I'm definitely planning on taking you up on the babysitting. Especially in six weeks time when I'm going to be wanting to tackle James to the floor and ride him hard."

"Six weeks, huh? You'll have to get in quick. Pat's other godson turns one not long after that and I think he had us booked in for about a year." Aiden carefully took the newborn from Harri, nursing him securely in the crook of his arm. His gut clenched a little with something akin to regret, but he pushed it away again, just watching the baby's face amongst the soft blankets. Maybe gay guys managed to somehow be born with that maternal clock chicks talked about, because he wasn't supposed to want this as much as he did. He wasn't supposed to be jealous. And he wasn't going to let it linger, either. It wasn't the baby's fault, and baby's picked up on negative emotions, apparently. RJ did. It made sense too. "When do you get to go home?"

Harri reached up to touch Aiden's arm as she smiled. She wasn't trying to make anything harder for him. She just wanted to share this with her best friend. She also realised just how much holding a baby bundle suited Aiden. It was one accessory that he just had to have, and Harri was going to be damned if she just let him miss out on fatherhood. Once she didn't feel like she'd been turned inside out she was going to find a way to make it happen. "Alright, seven weeks. But only because I'm not settling for any other babysitters. Although I guess Mark could take him, but I think he's a little scared by children at the moment. I don't know, I can't really remember what the doctor said. I don't exactly remember much of this morning. Guess my baby brain's kicking in already. Not sure Harriet Ryan's going to quite be what she used to be."

Aiden nodded. "You got a built-in Uncle on hand there. If those brothers are as close as they seem, he'll automatically take on James' flesh and blood, no matter what happened with his own experiences. You've got Ali and Andrew, too. You're going to have to learn to trust him with people or he'll never get the social skills he needs. Lucky Jamie is close by, too. It's important they have friends their own age. Mia and RJ thrive on each other. It's a sweet thing to watch. Having a kid around isn't as bad as you maybe once thought it would be. You'll see."

"Yes, Uncle Aiden," Harri replied with a grin. "I promise to let him socialise. I've only just given birth! I'm allowed to be clingy right now. I still can't believe he's here. He really is like both his parents. Impatient to a fault. It'd be nice for him and Jamie to be close. He needs a BFF he can trust as much as I trust mine."

"Friends and family. You can't beat it. Speaking of, are you guys going to let Ali and Andrew know? It's probably a Catch 22 there." Aiden finally sat down, stretching his back a little. He only started to realise how tired he was when Pat asked him a little while ago if he was. Not to mention the fact he'd been drinking at the wedding. He was going to wake up in a bad mood, he could feel it. He looked up at her. "What's the story with Isabel?"

"Yeah, we are. James just doesn't have enough of a head to remember the nuber she gave him for the hotel, and all my stuff's back in Princeton. Might need to see if Luke, or someone has it." Harri rest her head back on the pillow, still watching Aiden with Campbell. Her arms felt suddenly empty without her baby in them. "What do you mean what's the story?"

Aiden gave a pointed nod in the direction of the corridor. "I mean, what's the story. One minute he's with her, the next he's not. I need to know where Cameron stands. He's my brother-in-law and I really care about his welfare. It's not like he really stood anywhere before, is it? I'm surprised he hasn't turned gay. I need to know if there is a chance he might get his finger out and a few months down the track I'll be surrounded by more babies..."

Harri frowned. "The story is that James and Isabel realised they weren't really in love. It was leftover residue from their lives before... me and Cameron. He's getting divorce papers drawn up by Mark. He's moving on. I assume that means Isabel is moving on as well. Whether that means she's moving on to Cameron is up to him. I know how hurt he was by all of it. I also know her babies are his, not James'. Cameron needs to realise that before he does miss out on this moment for himself." She lay there quietly for a moment. "Him and Flynn would be awfully fucking hot together though if he did turn gay."

Aiden puffed out his cheeks and then released the breath slowly. "I'm fence-sitting on this one. I personally don't think that just because they're his kids he should automatically want anything to do with her after she fucked him over so badly. Everyone keeps frowning on him for wanting to go back to England, but fuck. It's his home. Why should he quit his life for her when she was giving him nothing in return? And before you say she might want to now, big deal. He's not a doormat," he glanced up at Harri, "Miss Fuck Him Because You're Pregnant and He Has a Working Cock."

Harri held her hands up as she scrunched her face. "Okay, okay. Forget I fucking said anything. Blame the baby brain. And that particular fuck was a mistake, I admit it. I didn't mean to use him as a doormat, but I was out of options and you have no idea how incredibly bloody horny these hormones make you. Think of the times you go without Pat and how much you just want him when you're together again, and that's what it was like every single hour of every single day. If he wants to go back to England, then yes, he should go back. If he's doing it for the right reasons."

Aiden stood up and handed her the baby back silently. "You sound like you need some sleep. I'll leave you to it. I'm glad you and James are happy. It's how it should be," he told her quietly. "For the record, if there is one thing that I don't think you should have done, it was sleep with Cameron, no matter how horny you were. But that's my cross to bear, and hey, you needed a fuck, didn't you? I guess it's just been a long, emotional day." He kissed her head and then tucked the blankets around the baby boy.

Harri didn't know why, but tears suddenly spilled over as she looked at Aiden while he was tucking Campbell's blankets around him. "I'm sorry," she whispered. "I didn't... I know. I love you."

When Aiden looked back up at her, his own eyes were full of tears. "You'll protect your family like I'm just trying to do for mine. And seriously, I think this whole family just need to put their dicks and vaginas away for a little while and stop to pick up the pieces. Today has been hard enough. Amazing, but hard. I didn't need you bringing Pat's sexual issues up to justify you sleeping with his brother, love. That sort of hurt. I know James hurt you, and it sucked. But look what you got out of it."

"I wasn't trying to... I didn't meant to hurt you. I'm sorry, Aiden." Harri dipped her head to kiss Campbell's forehead, quickly wiping her tears before they had a chance to fall on the precious baby boy. "I'll help pick up the pieces. I don't want it to hurt as much as it had lately. I want it to be okay again."

Aiden held up his hand a little and shook his head. "I'm sorry. I'm tired. I'm half-pissed, probably heading for a half-hangover because of it. The baby thing is... hard. I'm getting in touch with my inner bitch. She never seems too far from the surface lately. I need to grow horns and claws or something." He rubbed a hand over his face to regain his composure, feeling that he needed a shave, which gave him a grotty feeling when he was used to being so immaculate. "To think, they say it's supposed to be the mother who came down from the post-birth high with a thump."

"Well, now we know it's the godmother," Harri teased gently as she sniffed and tried to blink back the tears. "I think me thumping to the ground is still up for debate. Just thank you for coming. Thank you for being here. And thank you for being you. Inner bitch, or not, you're my very attractive and gay rock."

Aiden shook his head. "You won't. You've got too much to be happy about. You'll be fine, love," he predicted. "You really should get some sleep, though. If I stick around any longer, I'll end up scratching your eyeballs out in a catfight. You aren't supposed to get in the way of a gay bitch on heat, darling." He stuffed his hands in his pockets. "I'll come back tomorrow, or the next few days. You'll probably have your hands full with James' family tomorrow. I think he's sending out a Bat Call to half of Australia out there. Pat and I are going to stay in New York for a couple of days, then he's actually back to work for a few hours a day. But if you need anything, just give me a call."

Harri gave a nod as she stifled a yawn. A nurse came into the room, her radar obviously picking up that Harri couldn't hold the baby any longer. Harri made sure she bit back any angry comments and just let her take Campbell to put back into the little crib. For once it was almost a relief when she didn't have him in her arms, but it was only because she was so desperate to sleep. "I'll definitely call you, love. Get some sleep, and take care of yourself and Pat."

Words: 3275

rp mrpublicity, co-written: mrpublicity, with: aiden lewis, plot: parenthood

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