RP Log with agentfraser | 01 November 2009

Nov 21, 2009 12:18

[Takes place 1st November 2009 | Follows THIS]

Beyond this day, if anyone asked James about the labour leading up to the birth of his son, he probably wouldn't be able to tell them anything. He was in such shock about it all coming the night of Ali's wedding that after the fact, it was going to be a haze in his head. Not to mention how weird the whole situation was. He was suddenly thrust in a room with a heavily pregnant and in labour Harri after months of them being separated, and Aiden, who spent the whole first two hours glued to Harri's side glaring at James over the top of her head. Oddly enough, out of everyone in the room, Aiden was the calmest. He knew all the breathing exercises from Harri's lamaze classes, and seemed to be the epitome of the perfect husband. Only, the person in the bed was the wrong spouse and the actual spouse would never be spread-eagled on a birthing suite bed, no matter how good Aiden's sperm was.

And the fact irked James increasingly as the time ticked over. At first, he tried to be cooperative and just pretend that Aiden being the perfect birthing partner wasn't bothering him. But it was inevitable Harri was going to cling to Aiden if he was the calm one, and James ended up throwing a pretty interesting tantrum when he got so frustrated at being, what he thought, was nudged further out of the picture. But it was paranoia at it's best. He was just sensitive over the whole thing, and when Aiden snippily asked if he was going to fuck off and leave Harri stranded again, James just lost it. It was probably at about this point that Harri was wishing to fuck she didn't invite anyone with a dick or an ego into the birth. She outscreamed them both, and was soon demanding they both kiss and make up.


James would only realise later it was Harri's devious attempt for some half-time entertainment because the pain was excruiciating and she deserved some sort of positive to come of it. He had to wonder how long Harri had harboured interesting fantasies about him and Aiden snogging (or probably more, knowing Harri), and to be honest, if James wasn't with Harri and Aiden wasn't married and hating his guts, James probably would have been attracted to Aiden in the past. Both men started to protest again, but very briefly when they realised Harri was freshly manicured and in reaching distance of both their dicks. Leaning over the bed while Harri huffed her way through the end of a contraction, James and Aiden locked lips in a brief kiss that neither of them would probably ever be allowed to forget.

There wasn't even much time for reaction after that. Both promiment males in Harri's life were uncharacteristically subdued after that, but it was short lived. Harri's contractions were coming fast and hard, and when the doctor told her it was time to push, James immediately started to argue with her that it was too soon, and Harri, the pain giving her a strange burst of strength, nearly tackled him to the floor with one arm and told him she was fucking pushing whether he liked it or not, and he had to get the kid out of her in the next ten minutes, or she would nail his cock to the wall as a feature item.

James' brain really snapped then, and if felt like one minute he was almost ready to unzip and chop his own cock off for her, and then next there was put-out wailing in the room and Harri had a bloody, squirming ball of flesh placed on her chest wrapped in a blue receiving blanket. James was frozen, and he only snapped out of the shock when Aiden stepped up behind him and nudged him closer to the bed. It was a telling moment between the two men.

Harri was trying to cling desperately to the image of James and Aiden kissing, one fantasy coming true no matter how uncomfortable they'd looked, but as the bloody, squirming ball of flesh wriggling her arms she was having trouble hanging onto much of anything in her head. She couldn't begin to tell how much it meant to have both Aiden and James here when she needed them most. Even if she was still tempted to slice off their balls for being dicks to start with. Aiden might have been active as a birthing partner, but James was the father, and he was still the man she loved. She hadn't needed them getting pouty when she was the one going through agony to push out the bundle now nestled against her chest.

"Fuck..." she said breathlessly, her tired eyes taking in every detail. She looked at James, tears of relief spilling over. "Look at what we made..."

James' knees knocked against the side of the bed, but he was pretty sure all his senses had just completely short-circuited. He felt slightly woozy, too, like it was a dream sequence. He'd had a lot of those lately, but they weren't really the happy outcome this was. They were nightmares of it all going wrong, or even one particularly disturbing and recurring nightmare that he got locked outside when Harri was giving birth and no one inside could hear him screaming out to them. No wonder he hadn't gotten much sleep lately. This was probably the part where he needed his big brother to boot him up the arse and tell him to get his head out of it. It had all happened so quickly, that James hadn't had time to brace himself. It felt like one minute Harri's waters were breaking right before they were about to have sex, and the next this. "Can I just..." he choked out and then folded back the baby blanket to check the baby had a penis. A rush of relieved air escaped him and he laughed, pointing. "It's a boy," he told everyone, as if they hadn't already figured it out. Thank god no one was filming this. He wanted no reminder of just how much the blond came out in him when he was in shock.

Harri was trying to watch their son, and James at the same time. If James was about to kiss floor she wanted to know. He looked as shocked as she felt, and she was the one that had given birth. She couldn't believe it was over. She had been ready for it to be the longest night, their son changing his mind and deciding to take his time instead of coming early. But Campbell was apparently in a rush to meet the world outside, and Harri just hoped he would be okay. She ducked her head to kiss his forehead. "It's our boy. Campbell Aiden... and then however we're doing the surname." She managed to keep a hold of the baby with one arm so she could take James' hand and kiss his palm. "Thank you."

James knew there was probably a textbook way he had to react to this, and be a good new Dad. Maybe he should have spoken to Lachlan about it? Taken some notes, been prepared? It was all out the window, though. He was oblivious to any of the medical staff still pooling around in the room. When Harri touched him, it was like flicking a switch in his brain and rather than something intelligent coming out of his mouth right away, it was a small sob as he finally dared to actually touch the baby that she was holding. He had to make sure he was real. He touched the baby's forehead, and then his nose. Even though he was a bit icky and slimy, it wasn't hard to see the head of blond hair. He didn't look big enough to hurt that much coming out, but James clamped his mouth together for a moment to stop that accidentally escaping because it would definitely end in bloodshed. This was the moment it had to all be alright. All the shit, this just made it worth it. "H-He's perfect," he whispered, and cleared his throat. "I dunno how the fuck he is, but he is. But he got those lungs off you," he added hastily, shooting Harri an amused look.

"Too bad they didn't get a chance at a work out," she teased back. Harri didn't want to let Campbell go, but she gazed up at James, a smile still tugging at the corners of his mouth. If there was one thing in her life she wanted to get right, it was this. he didn't regret anything of the night before, even the sex she might have had with James. Now they'd have to wait longer while her body healed, but it would be worth it. And it would let them come to terms with their relationship and their son without sex as a distraction. "Maybe he just needs his Daddy holding him. If he's anything like me, he'll shut up for you. Well, most times. Take him, love."

James' eyes searched over her face. What if the kid hated him? Jamie he could get these days, even if she sensed when he was in a bad mood and didn't want a bar of him. But if this baby thought he sucked, it was really going to be crap. But if he didn't try, how was he going to know. He looked at the nurses, wondering if they were all standing there waiting for him to fuck up, but they were just sort of keeping a discreet eye on the baby more than anything. For medical reasons, not crap father reasons. He hadn't held one this small before, either, and he balked a little at that, finding himself, bizarrely, looking around for Aiden's assistance as if Harri's BFF would know exactly what to do. But Aiden was gone and James had no back-up of the penis variety. Except for his son, who really did have a healthy looking penis, if James did say so himself. There were a couple more moments of hesitation before he took the baby into his arms, holding him awkwardly at first before shifting him into a more secure spot in his arms. James knew there was no point in trying to stop it. He just started crying, despite supposedly trying to stop the baby doing just that. "Hey... no..." he said through his tears, trying to tuck the blanket around the baby's stomach. "I'm not going to leave you. Ever. Okay? You're stuck with me and I'm going to be such a pain in the arse Dad that you'll be hiding behind lamp posts and pretending I'm a crazy stalker to your mates. And you know what? If I ever fuck this up, you have my permission to spike my coffee with laxatives every single time. You, me, and Mum. That's how it's going to be."

Harri smiled sleepily as she let her head fall back against the pillow, the exhaustion starting to creep in. Didn't matter that the birth hadn't gone on for endless hours, it had still taken its toll. Her hand rest on James' leg, the closest she could get to a hug given the circumstances. She just needed some kind of contact with him. To reassure herself that he was there, and it was all real. Despite holding their son in her arms her brain was still struggling to comprehend that it had happened. Now she had three important men in her life, and she didn't want to change a single thing. She could think of worse penises to be surrounded by. "Mm... I think I'd like that, too. My two beautiful boys..."

Words: 1973

with: james fraser, rp agentfraser, co-written: agentfraser, plot: parenthood

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