RP Log with undercoverdoc | Attempted Reassurance

Jan 03, 2010 18:50

[backdated to New Year's Eve]

Harri had no idea how she was going to last until midnight. She loved Aiden, and she had always been someone to look forward to New Year's, but she got tired easily these days. Especially when she up at all hours because of Campbell. She was on her own, with James away somewhere undercover, so there was no taking shifts with her partner. Pat and Aiden had been staying in New York to give her a hand, and she would be eternally grateful to them. Especially when they took Campbell off her hands long enough for her to get a few hours of solid sleep.

She stifled a yawn, and looked down to doublecheck that she really hadn't put her undies on the outside, or looked too much like a mess. She had pads in her bra to try and hide the leakagage, and Campbell was tucked against her chest as he slept after having a feed. She tried to keep the times regular, but her baby boy didn't believe in a schedule. He was already a demanding little diva, but she loved him. She looked down at his tiny face in awe, still amazed she'd produced a little bundle like him.

Harri glanced back up when she realised someone had slid into the booth opposite her, and smiled. "Alex. It's been a while."

Alex snorted as he smirked at her. "C'mon. It hasn't been that long. By the way, I'm here because I'm your kid's doctor. I'm sad and pathetic because I split with my girlfriend and you invited me because it looked like I needed a night out. I don't know your ball and chain at all," he told her in a hushed voice, glancing around discreetly to make sure no one was actually listening in. He was dressed in worn jeans with a neat shirt, looking every bit the innocent doctor even if he had literally stepped off the private jet two hours earlier from being undercover with James. He cleared his throat and took a sip of his orange juice, tucking his finger into the bundle of blankets to stroke the baby's face with his fingertip. "He might be a fucking pain in the arse, but he produces good offspring."

"Just remember you need to protect the pain in the pain in the arse with your life," she said quietly as her eyes flashed slightly. Then she smiled, looking back down at her son. "He's beautiful, isn't he? We did do pretty good. Definitely couldn't have made him without James." Harri shifted enough to balance her son in one arm so she could reach for her lemonade. "Do you want to hold him? And how is your broken heart, by the way? I'm sorry you split up with her. I did like her. Do. Did. Whatever. Baby brain, and I'm on leave."

Alex smirked. "You don't scare me, love. I've dealt with far scarier bitches than you, no offense. The maternity bra and unshaven legs aren't exactly enough to put the wind up a dude. Of course I want to hold him. It's not often I get to deal with kids that aren't screaming." He put his drink down so he could accept the baby off Harri, holding him with ease. He gave a small shrug, careful not to disturb the sleeping infant. "Couldn't get the time schedule to sync. It happens. You're lucky with Fraser. He's put his foot well down so he doesn't get kept away from you half as much as he probably could. Put his arse on the line to pull it off, and is doing a fucking risky job nosing around in the FBI for leaks. I don't envy the bastard, but it keeps him in New York. Mostly. I know it sucks, and I'm sorry. Kid barely has his umbilical cord snipped and his Daddy's sent away. He'll be back in a few days, Scout's honour. He's just tying up loose ends. I left him with all the paper work. Nah, just kidding. He's fine, I promise. He'll be back on diaper duty by Monday."

"I'd tell you to wait until you hurt my kid, but I know you won't. You just caught me a weak point." Harri stretched her arms out in front of her before she covered her mouth as another yawn hit. "I'm sorry, I'm just not as awake as I used to be. I feel like a bloody grandma. Midnight also seems like hours away. I'm just lucky Campbell doesn't seem to mind noise. None of the kids do. I know I'm lucky, but for a while there I wasn't so sure I would have him. Our schedules more than clashed. Our lives, and goals did. I guess it's just one of those things. Doctors are always working hard. So does this mean you're back on the market, or are you going to tell me you're not interested in pursuing anything right now?" Harri's expression changed briefly, and she sighed. "It fucking sucks. He should be here, but I have no right to complain. This is what I signed up for. He'll really be back Monday?"

Alex waved his free hand. "Stop the damn yawning or I'll shove a bag over your head," he warned as he couldn't hold one back himself. "Try hopping six time zones in three days, then we'll talk about tiredness. I get to go home and crash for a day before I need to go back to work at the hospital. I don't even know anymore. Feels like too much hassle to even try, but you got me at a bad time. I'm always shitty after an assignment, especially when it doesn't get the results you want and you put your fucking blood, sweat and tears into pulling it off. He'll be back, just go easy on him for a couple of days. It's been... he's..." He pressed his lips together momentarily. "He had to take someone down."

"I gave birth, love. I win. Always," Harri smirked. "Hopping six time zones in three days is a piece of fucking cake next to that. I'm sorry you don't get much of a break. I can't even imagine needing to hold up two jobs. I always put so much effort into the one, I wouldn't have time for two. Although I guess I have being a mother, and being an editor. Not that I'm comparing either to what you two do. And there are a few single ladies left here, I think. You should at least get in a shag. I'm sorry things didn't go your way." Harri frowned, looking at her son in Alex's arms briefly like she was worried he was listening. But he wouldn't even be able to understand them yet. "Shit... I thought you said he was fine?"

Alex pointed. "You said you were on leave. Come back to me when you really are working two jobs and holding two personas down. And hopping six times zones while doing it. I win. I'll keep winning because I'm a kid's doctor. I know what it's like to have screaming kids left and right. I also had gallstones, once. I'm told the pain is on par with giving birth. Or being shot. But I know that's bullshit," he added, unable to stop a brief glance in the direction of Lachlan Campbell before he was looking back at Harri again. "Fine for an SS Agent? It's his job. On par with your... breastfeeding? Only, imagine breastfeeding and shooting someone in the head with a pistol while you're doing it."

"I'll take it easy on him. Promise." Harri's nose scrunched up as she tried to imagine shooting someone while breastfeeding. Although she would have loved to have shot the stupid bitch that had made rather loud comments about her breastfeeding at the coffee shop this morning with Aiden. She wouldn't have done it if she could help it, but Campbell wasn't letting up and she'd been too comfortable to move. She'd still been as discreet as possible, and hadn't even flashed her tit at anyone. "I am, but that doesn't mean it won't be hard. I'm struggling as it is with just Campbell on my hands." She reached out to rest her hand on his shoulder and gave it a soft squeeze. "Apologies for the gallstones. Did you name them? You've never been shot?"

Alex shook his head slowly. "No. Just investigating someone that did. Why the hell would I want to name them? I wanted to stab myself in the gut to get rid of them. He took someone's life, an evil bastard, for sure, but it never gets easier. I think he'll just be glad to get home. This right here," he patted the underside of the baby bundle, "has had James near in tears on our down time. Can only imagine he lets them come when he's on his own."

Harri bit her lip, trying to stop a sudden surge of emotion that threatened to start her off crying. She whacked Alex's shoulder briefly before taking another sip of her drink to give her something to do. "He's not supposed to be wanting to cry... Campbell means a lot to him. Well, of course he does. He's his son. I just don't think he wants to be away because Campbell is supposed to help start him to heal properly."

Alex looked at her wryly and then gave a small sigh as he looked down at the baby. "It's his job. This one here, he'll grow up understanding that. It'll be his norm. That doesn't mean it gets easier, and he was only born a few weeks ago. It wasn't going to be easy for anyone. But it was vital he was there. He's kept it as short as he could. He really did. The biggest difference this time around is unless he is working, he really is himself. When we first became partners, he was just all about the work. He was someone else. He has the luxury of transitioning back and forth now, like I do. It really is much better for his frame of mind. Doesn't mean he doesn't miss his son and you. You miss your family. It's natural."

"And if you don't have a family?" Harri nudged him gently. "What do you miss?" She tucked her long hair behind her ear, and leaned down to touch her fingers to Campbell's cheek when he seemed to start stirring. As soon as he felt his mother's touch he settled down again. He wasn't always that easy, but tonight he seemed to want to cooperate. "I miss him. I really do. We only just... We only just sorted things out then Campbell came, and now he's gone. I just need him to know I love him."

Alex shrugged a little. "I miss my family. Parents, brothers... I lost an older brother a few years ago. I know how loss feels. I guess in the sense of your question, though, don't miss a whole lot in immediate reach right now. I exist for work. Us Agents all generally do that at some point in our careers. Not much time to really stop and think about it, either. I know it sounds really harsh, but you will save yourself a whole lot of stress once you get used to his random disappearances. Bearing in mind that now they won't be so often. He's baseline. He'll mostly stick to New York, except for now and again like this when he has to get deep into the investigation if he finds a lead. He loves you too, you know. He didn't tell me to say that, he doesn't know I'm coming to check on you. But he does."

"I know what it's like to exist solely for work. I didn't really understand what I was missing until James. Well, Marc..." She said the name in a hushed tone. "I don't have brothers, or sisters. I barely talk to my parents. I assume they got my note about Campbell being born. Fucked if I know. I'm sorry about your older brother. That really is a tough loss. I realise he will disappear, I guess I had just never assumed it would be happening so quickly." Harri gave Alex a small smile. "Thank you for checking up on me. It's nice to know he's still out there."

"My job as his partner," Alex told her with a flicker of a smile that he was too tired to really maintain much. The only reason he probably wasn't comatose was because his body thought it was two in the afternoon. "I would protect him with my life, you know. As he would for me. Even if he's a pain in my rectum a lot of the time. He's so anal. But it's what got him to where he is at his age. His priorities are just changing now. Family will come first. I guarantee, if this kid ever needed him, the would throw he job in quicker than you can say SS."

Harri leaned forward so she could kiss her son's forehead. "I hope it never actually comes to that, but it's nice to know."

Alex nodded. "Yeah. Look, I'll hand him back to you now. I think I've got to call it a night. Go home to my boring empty apartment and bed. This is all too much... cheer for me. It's going to give me a headache." He carefully handed the baby back over to her. "Just wanted to let you know he was okay."

Harri held Campbell close, and the smile she gave Alex was warm. "Thank you. And really, it's such a shame you have to go home alone. At least try and pick up someone on your way out. Nothing gets rid of a headache quite like an orgasm. Plus it'll stop you from thinking too much."

Alex gave a small snort and looked around. "Aren't they all married or gay in here?" he pointed out, pushing his hand through his hair. He would be lying if he didn't admit it would be nice to stop thinking, though. James might have pulled the trigger, but Alex watched. Watched James' shaking hands as he cleaned the blood off his handgun, too. That was a whole lot of thinking to try and go to sleep with. "I'm probably safer to go pay for it on the way home."

Harri grinned as she spotted Rachel through the crowd. She pointed a finger in the petite blonde's direction. "I know she's not. Talented make-up artist, and in desperate need of a decent lay. I say you walk over there and remind her what kind of good looking fish are in the sea." Then she winked at him. "And call me with details tomorrow."

Alex looked at her skeptically. "Make up? Uh, doubt she's my type," he said as he pushed out of the booth. "I tried someone from your world, remember, and it blew up in my face. But cheers for trying. I think you need to stick to breastfeeding," he teased, smirking at her and brushing his finger across Campbell's nose. "See you later, kid. No getting any childhood illnesses. Peds wards don't need your lungs, the way I hear it."

"My little diva," Harri said with a laugh. "And I'm sorry about that, I really am. But Rachel's not exactly from my world. And I don't think she's looking to date. Isn't that your type? Try and have a good rest, Alex."

Alex pressed his lips together wryly. "Your world enough. I'm talking shit. Ignore me. I told you, my head is about four timezones back. I need to drive back to Princeton tonight, too. Best to get to that while I can. Monday, he'll be back. You can give each other foot rubs or something." He gave her a small wave and a smile and then disappeared into the crowd.

Words: 2668

co-written: undercoverdoc, rp undercoverdoc, with: alex carter

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