Looking for reasons

May 16, 2006 21:13

From here.Brendan entered the bar and went straight through to the restroom, pushing the door to the men's open with enough force to make the two men standing at the urinal turn their heads quickly to see who had barged in. He glanced at them, a grimace turning into an attempted apology before looking down at the floor. A small smear of red gave ( Read more... )

patrick, the past

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patrick_koster May 16 2006, 11:35:19 UTC
When Patrick came home the first thing he did was pour himself a drink. And another one the minute he finished the first. The entire time he'd been walking he'd thought of things he should have done and now that he was home he found himself wondering why he hadn't done any of those things. What had stopped him from just killing Roy. After all, it wasn't like he couldn't have just pushed the man off - wasn't like there had been people holding him down. Not like he couldn't have taken on this one guy.

He leaned against the kitchen counter, closing his eyes as he finished his second glass even though he could already feel his stomach protesting. Leaving the bottle and glass on the counter he barely reached the bathroom in time to throw up yet again. Time to stop thinking perhaps and definitely time for a shower. As he turned on the water and got undressed, he refused to look at himself in the bathroom mirror, refused to think about what would have happened if he wouldn't have managed to make Roy stop when he did.


stormybrendan May 16 2006, 11:46:56 UTC
The sound of the shower was what told Brendan where Patrick was when he entered the apartment. He discarded his jacket and headed for the bar, finding it open and one bottle missing. Frowning a little he went into the kitchen and saw the bottle there, and the glass. With a small sigh of relief he slumped against the bench for a moment, rubbing his hand across his face. After a few moments he grabbed another glass and poured himself a drink, taking a large mouthful.


patrick_koster May 16 2006, 17:26:18 UTC
He scrubbed quickly at first, making sure there wasn't an inch of his body that wasn't clean before he finally slowed down. His rushing bringing back the earlier dizzy spell he'd experienced while in the elevator, and so when he washed his hair again he took his time ( ... )


Actions and reactions. stormybrendan May 17 2006, 10:11:52 UTC
When he heard the water stop in the bathroom Brendan pushed himself off the counter and walked through the lounge room to the bedroom.

"Hey," he called out, dragging his socks off after kicking his shoes into the wardrobe.


Re: Actions and reactions. patrick_koster May 17 2006, 10:34:34 UTC
Hearing Brendan's voice startled him a bit but did make him snap out of it, he looked away from the mirror, down at the floor where he spotted his towel; he hadn't even noticed dropping it. With one hand still gripping the sink, Patrick picked up his towel and then proceeded to brush his teeth before he realized he hadn't returned Brendan's greeting and, after spitting and rinsing his mouth repeatedly, Patrick decided to forgo drying or combing his hair. He took a deep breath and with one more quick glance in the mirror to see if he didn't look as bad as he'd been feeling the past few minutes, he opened the bathroom door and headed for the bedroom to get dressed.

"Hey," he greeted quietly when he joined Brendan in the bedroom.


Re: Actions and reactions. stormybrendan May 17 2006, 21:26:43 UTC
He'd stood looking at the door as the silence had lengthened, the concern starting to etch a frown of concern into his face. He slowly stripped off, only his boxers remaining when the door finally opened and Patrick stepped out.

"How was y' walk?"


Re: Actions and reactions. patrick_koster May 17 2006, 21:31:59 UTC
"Long," Patrick said with a small smile, realizing he immediately felt a little better now that Brendan was there. "Are you going to bed already?" he asked, glancing at the other man as he picked up an old pair of jeans.


Re: Actions and reactions. stormybrendan May 17 2006, 21:42:37 UTC
"No, just gonna have a quick tub, after the deliveries today. Gets a bit warm lugging them boxes downstairs."


Re: Actions and reactions. patrick_koster May 17 2006, 21:48:24 UTC
"Right." He put his jeans on and slowly zipped them up, absently wondering why he'd felt almost relieved that Brendan wasn't going to bed just yet. "You see any cigarettes around here?" He scanned the room but only found a t-shirt to wear and, even though he was fairly sure it was Brendan's, put it on. "Reckon I'll try having another drink as well - sooner or later one of them has to stay down, eh?"


Re: Actions and reactions. stormybrendan May 18 2006, 04:27:06 UTC
Brendan was about to tell Patrick to have a look in the top cupboard in the bar unit in the lounge room when he made his comment about the drinks. He hesitated instead then walked across to him. "Not even gonna bother askin' if y've tried to eat something." He looked Patrick in the eye before continuing.

"Stop it. Just stop it, alright?" He shook his head. "The bastard was gone. No comments, no complaints, and Eric saw him leaving. Sounds like he knew he's the one who asked for it."


Re: Actions and reactions. patrick_koster May 18 2006, 06:48:08 UTC
"Stop what?" Patrick asked in a quiet voice, his brow furrowing as he searched Brendan's face, the man's words about Roy barely registering.


Re: Actions and reactions. stormybrendan May 18 2006, 07:26:01 UTC
Brendan rolled his eyes at Patrick's obtuseness.

"What? Y' telling me y' stomach's playing up and not able to keep booze down cuz you've got a stomach bug, or y've suddenly developed an allergy to grog?" he asked, a little frustrated. "Y' just bloody well said y' can't keep a drink down. What else am I going to put it down to? Y' stressing y'self about what happened."


Re: Actions and reactions. patrick_koster May 18 2006, 08:49:52 UTC
Patrick nodded, an almost sheepish look crossing his face as he listened to Brendan. "Aye - but I don't usually have an awful lot of trouble with stressing and drinking at the same time." He gave a small shrug and then added, "I suppose I'm having a bit of trouble stopping myself from rehashing more than just what happened today."


Re: Actions and reactions. stormybrendan May 18 2006, 11:42:15 UTC
"No, true. It weren't long ago it were into a drink y'd be going to drown whatever demons were chasing you down," he agreed, his expression softening a little. He jerked his head lightly toward the bathroom.

"I'll just be a moment and I'll join you for a drink," he said a little more gently. "And fix y' something t' eat. Y' stomach's probably wanting something t' absord the booze these days, since Sam's been feeding y' up."


Re: Actions and reactions. patrick_koster May 18 2006, 17:25:09 UTC
He looked away momentarily at Brendan's words about drowning demons and absentmindedly scratched the back of his neck. "All right - I'll just be outside having a smoke," he murmured meekly when Brendan finished talking.


Re: Actions and reactions. stormybrendan May 21 2006, 12:35:16 UTC
Brendan hesitated, as if about to say something, but instead just walked into the bathroom and was soon showering. He'd almost asked Patrick to make them both something to eat, as a distraction, but though maybe that might be pushing him. As he stood beneath the hot spray he closed his eyes for a moment, recalling the haunted look in his lover's eyes the night they'd been to watch the match. He'd seen it again tonight, in the lane, and the shadow of it here, just now.

As the water washed away the day's grime he wished it would also wash away the growing concern he felt.


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